Looking to external things for confidence is not an option.
This has always been the case, but with everything going on, it's become abundantly clear.
Disagree? So did I.
Jamie Lee is an executive coach for smart women who hate office politics. She helps them get promoted and better paid without throwing anyone under the bus.
Looking to external things for confidence is not an option.
This has always been the case, but with everything going on, it's become abundantly clear.
Disagree? So did I.
When fear runs the show, write a love letter.
Read more for the love letter I wrote them, and prompts to write your own today.
Being home all day can make ruminating and beating yourself up as easy as eating out of the pantry.
Except you don’t grow… other than exhaustion, self-doubt and maybe your pant size.
Self-criticism blinds you from your own value.
Read on for one simple way to reconnect with your value…and the grace you need today.
Don't wait to see "where things settle" to start advocating for yourself.
If you wait, the big decisions will be made for you.
You'll be told again, "You're doing great, and we can revisit your promotion next year."
The time to start becoming your own best advocate is NOW, not later.
Read more for four steps you can take THIS WEEK.
What do you do when you think you're 50% qualified for the leadership role that just opened up?
Read on for 3 simple questions and 1 sample script to get you moving forward and getting the help of decision-makers.
It's okay to feel scared, anxious, and a whole lot of love right now.
It’s okay to feel scared and anxious.
And so is fierce.
My clients are doubling down on making a contribution right now. Coronavirus is not stopping them.
In this dead-simple five minute video lesson, you’ll learn:
- Why NOT talking about what's not done can slow your career growth
- What you can do about it
- 3 key things to address when talking about what's not done so you look good
- Sample script so you know exactly how it's done
Being nice can create results you DON’T want.
Read more for how being nice can look like in the workplace, why it creates not-nice results, and what you can do instead.
What do you do when you're tapped to consult on a brand-new project, and you're just not sure what's the right fee? Read on for my suggestions, two sample scripts, and advice on how to create confidence for the conversation
Here's my DEAD-SIMPLE five-minute lesson on how to articulate your value in one sentence.
We can’t outsource self-belief.
What we want others to think about us is what we first need to believe about us.
And what we want others to do for us is what we first need to give to ourselves.
Are you in self-advocacy debt in your career? Read on to recognize symptoms, confront root causes, and take the first step to close the gap between where you are now and where you want to go.
May You Become Bolder, Braver, and Better Paid in 2020!
Why do so many of us women GIVE up negotiating even before we've had the chance? Why do we undercut our self-worth and sabotage our net-worth?
One of the biggest reason that motivates me to grow personally and professionally is what I DON'T WANT.
The unique combination of values, skills, and experience that you offer is as rare and VALUABLE as a one-of-a-kind jewel.
I messed up. Then I felt shame about it. Here's why that was a GOOD thing that helped me grow my confidence.
Here's a surprising insight I've gained from helping clients #negotiate a big pay #raise.