Case Study with Script: What To Do When You're 50% Qualified

Case Study with Script: What To Do When You're 50% Qualified

Wondering if you should take the leap and go for that leadership position that's just opened up?

My client brought this to the session last week. She was going back and forth in her head about it. 

"I'm not sure I can do the job. Plus the CEO already contacted an executive search firm." 

Here's what I offered her. 

Ask yourself three simple questions: 

1. What do I want? 

My client said, "I want to grow. I want to lead a bigger team. If I knew I couldn't fail, I'd go for that job." 

2. What do you have now?  

She came up with: 

  • Training and education 

  • 6 years experience working in this organization, leading a team 

  • Relationship with board, executives, CEO 

When I wrote this out on a whiteboard, it was a revelation for her to recognize her assets. Qualifications she already has. 

My rule of thumb is, if you think you're at least half qualified, go for it. 

What you think is 50% qualified could be the next person’s 80% (which is good enough). The only way to find out -- what skills to build or whether it’s a good fit -- is to engage in conversations. 

3. What's ONE conversation you can initiate? 

She already knew people who would be the decision-makers for this job. When I suggested she reach out to one, she immediately knew the names. People who would welcome an informal Zoom chat. 

She can say: 

"Hey, given my qualifications, I'm thinking about going for the leadership position that opened up. If you were in my shoes, what would you do? What advice do you have for me?"  

This way, she gets: 

  • To let decision-makers know that she is interested. Let people know you want to grow, and they’ll remember you for this OR future growth opportunities. 

  • She also gets them on her side, giving her mentorship and advice. When people help you, they become invested in your growth. 

  • She gets off the fence and into the conversations that unlock information and forward momentum. 

This simple strategy had my client Alex getting the support of her CSO. He said, "I'll put in a good word for you, whichever direction you decide to take." When the leadership position didn’t pan out, she was able to quickly pivot and secure a new, better paying role reporting directly to the CSO.

For Charlotte, the sum of these conversations was two fold: overcoming imposter syndrome and securing the promotion to Executive Director, a milestone she hit several months ahead of schedule.

Their stories can be yours, too.

Know what you want.

Know what you have.

Have ONE conversation.

You got this,

P.S. Would you like expert support in creating your own targeted communication strategy? In time, the impact of these conversations compounds, evolving your executive presence and shaping how decision-makers perceive your potential. To get started, CLICK HERE TO BOOK A FREE CONSULT

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