You're allowed to be disappointed.

You're allowed to be disappointed.

You're allowed to be disappointed. You're allowed to be angry. You're allowed to be scared. You're allowed to cry. But you're not allowed to give up.-2.png

It's okay to feel scared, anxious, and a whole lot of love right now.

My dad went to the hospital yesterday. For gout. Not the virus.

But still, my brain wanted to freak out.

So I let myself feel all the emotions. Worry. Fear. Helplessness. Even grief.

I cried. I breathed deep.

Then from a calmer place, I directed my brain to think about other possibilities.

That he'll be taken care of. He'll be okay.

In fact, today he called to say he's being taken care of in a quiet hospital (NOT what the media is reporting).

He's okay. Me too. I'm reminded. It's okay to feel scared, anxious, and a whole lot of gratitude right now.

Case Study with Script: What To Do When You're 50% Qualified

Case Study with Script: What To Do When You're 50% Qualified

Scared, anxious, and a little bit fierce

Scared, anxious, and a little bit fierce