Scared, anxious, and a little bit fierce

Scared, anxious, and a little bit fierce

It’s okay to feel scared and anxious. 

And so is fierce. 

My clients are doubling down on making a contribution right now. Coronavirus is not stopping them.

A client in Africa took charge in a chaotic situation. Leading the effort to coordinate a shipment of medical supplies. 

With volunteers. No government support. 

She didn’t have to. 

She chose to. 

She’s committed to making a difference, and she is. 

She’s an example of how we humans have infinite capacity to be resilient. 

To be resourceful. To serve others. To be of value. 

Even in crisis. 

There’s a lot of noise and fear out there. 

It’s not a stop sign. 

There’s still work to be done. The value of your contributions are not diminished by what’s on the news or what everyone is worried about. 

It’s okay if you’re scared and anxious too. 

And it’s also okay to be a little fierce right now.  

You're allowed to be disappointed.

You're allowed to be disappointed.

How to Talk about What's NOT DONE and Still Look Good at Work

How to Talk about What's NOT DONE and Still Look Good at Work