When You're Anxious and Annoyed with People At Work

When You're Anxious and Annoyed with People At Work

A client told me she felt like a polar bear on a melting ice cube.

Helpless. Stuck. Anxious.

Her company was restructuring, and the people brought on to manage the entire process were, in her words, "buffoons."

Then she got coaching.


Because she knew deep inside that she was capable of feeling better, doing better, and having better outcomes — without needing the situation or "buffoons" to change.

So I helped her sort her own brain. A fast, analytical brain that’s been trained and rewarded for making assessments. On business, people and situations.

Some of these assessments got her promoted. Then there were other assessments that made her anxious and shut down in meetings. Like the thought that she’s an endangered specie beleaguered by "buffoons."

But, I pointed out, it’s not factual.

She’s not a bear. She is human. That’s a fact seven billion other humans would all agree to be true.

We made a list of other facts:
- she is employed 
- there is restructuring 
- people are involved

When she focused on just the facts, she felt neutral. Neither good or bad. 

Neutral had her calmly assessing her options.

Neutral opened her up to the choice she has as a human. To choose a new, different self concept that will sustain calm confidence.

So she chose to see herself as a different specie. A swan 🦢on a lake.

In the end, she successfully navigated a career transition, deftly landing a new job with a bigger title and 40% higher pay.

She went from being a polar bear to swan. From feeling beleaguered to confident. From underpaid to well-paid.

Imagine what getting neutral can do for you. Just objectively assessing the facts, nothing more. 

If you’d like to find out for yourself, reach out for a complimentary consult where I will help you bridge the gap from the self-concept that’s limiting you to the self-concept that will help you lead and thrive.



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Myth of Depending on Other People

Myth of Depending on Other People