Sovereign of Your Career and Life

Sovereign of Your Career and Life

Seven years ago, I was scared sh*tless when I decided to ask for a raise and promotion in my former life as an Operations Director at a startup. 

I was making ok money and doing well enough to become indispensable, but the lack of agency in my career had my soul feeling suffocated. 

Until that decision to ask, I’d let other people decide the value of my potential. 

So negotiating for myself was about transforming myself. Reaffirming to myself and the universe that I am in control. 

It was uncomfortable, scary and absolutely worth it. 

Eventually I got everything I asked for:

Six figure salary. 
Equity compensation. 
Senior title. 
My pick of direct reports. 

Beyond the immediate rewards, I continue to reap the compounding benefits of reclaiming self-sovereignty. 

The pay bump I negotiated became my startup fund when I later decided to start my coaching practice. 

The experience of negotiating helped me help hundreds of women ask and get the promotion and raise they deserve. 

Last year, as a self-sovereign business owner, I made 2X my income as an employee. And this is just the beginning. 

That scary ask seven years ago turned out to be a seedling that continues to flourish — because it was an act of owning my power to decide. My power to direct the flow of my potential towards my dreams, not someone else's dictates. 

Let your gutsy ask be an act of reclaiming your god-given power. 

You are in control. 

You are the ultimate CEO of your life and career, and if you want, of your future entrepreneurial dreams too. 

Seven years from now, you'll hardly remember the name of the coworker who's stirring up office drama. But you will remember how you braved negotiating for your growth and taking a stand for your value. 

Seven years from now, your life and career will be on a completely new trajectory, in a way you can't even imagine right now. 

All because you chose you as your own sovereign. 

May we bravely put our crowns on, 

P.S. In my executive 1:1 coaching container, I help smart women develop the confidence and skill to show up and speak up as sovereigns of their career and life. 

In a confidential and safe space dedicated to you, we work on: 

  • Getting you out of compare-and-despair or overwork-and-overextended cycles 

  • Developing confidence to lead, negotiate and influence others -- even when you don't have direct authority 

  • Building your capacity to make decisions, prioritize and execute -- so you maximize your potential for greater impact and income 

If this resonates with you, you're invited to book your 60-minute consult today. I will help you connect the dots from where you are today to the future you want to have. 

Negotiate How You Get Promoted (Script)

Negotiate How You Get Promoted (Script)

Black and Brilliant (Case Study)

Black and Brilliant (Case Study)