Black and Brilliant (Case Study)

Black and Brilliant (Case Study)

Here's a case study of how to unwind internalized oppression and advance your career.

But first let's establish some facts.

1. Sh*tty things happen at work.

2. Racial, gender bias exists.

3. Feeling anger and reacting to your anger (cursing, yelling, flipping tables) are two very different things.

The other week, a sh*tty thing — HR oversight— happened to my client.

Because my client is smart, savvy and self-composed, she did not react to her anger in the moment.

But later when she revisited the event, her anger and frustration grew when she thought, "I’m not allowed to be angry, because then people will call me an Angry Black Woman and my career will end."

"Listen," I told her.

"It’s true that there are racist people out there, and some of them may have thoughts about you that you don’t want them to have.

"That doesn’t turn you into a stereotype. That just makes them wrong.

"Even when others are wrong about you, you don’t have to join them in being wrong about you.

"Choosing not to react to your anger doesn’t disqualify the anger you feel nor does it make you a victim of the situation.

"It could just mean you’re Black and Brilliant."

Here’s what my client did:

She gave herself a strategic pause and responded later in a calm, grounded way with a suggestion that resolved the HR oversight.

She also built belief in her value. As a result, she secured a multiple six figure job ELSEWHERE.

Because she’s Black and Brilliant.

The world is far from perfect.

But that doesn’t mean smart women of color can’t continue to grow our careers by consciously CHOOSING our opinion of us.

Doing so is a revolutionary act that brings the power back into our court and propels our career forward, even when people are wrong about us.

If this is what you want, I can help.

You're invited to book your consult today.

Sovereign of Your Career and Life

Sovereign of Your Career and Life

Unwinding Internalized Oppression

Unwinding Internalized Oppression