Unwinding Internalized Oppression

Unwinding Internalized Oppression

I’ve seen countless smart women managers white-knuckle through work beyond the point of exhaustion, while under-communicating their wants and wins. 

This is because as women and minorities in male-dominated workplaces, we’ve been socialized to de-prioritize ourselves. 

These looping thoughts feel like an imperative rather than internalized oppression — 

  • Being productive is more important than my needs 

  • I need to provide comfort for others 

  • I need so-and-so’s approval to be safe 

Which lead to the kind of anxiety and self-doubt that keep you from advocating for yourself, setting boundaries, and showing up with boss energy. 

This is why my 1:1 executive coaching program is designed to help you unlearn harmful socialization from the inside out. 

My clients learn: 

  • Prioritizing myself and my well-being help me do my best 

  • It’s not my job to provide comfort for others 

  • With courage, I get to chart my own path 

As a result, they become bolder and braver with articulating their value and asking for what they want, without overworking. 

Getting promoted and better paid is a byproduct of unwinding internalized oppression in your brain.

If this is what you want, I am the coach who can help you. 

Book your consult today.

In an hour, I will point out the blind spots that you don’t see, and help you identify a clear path to career advancement. 

Courageously yours, 


Black and Brilliant (Case Study)

Black and Brilliant (Case Study)

How to Turn Potential into Reality

How to Turn Potential into Reality