Negotiate How You Get Promoted (Script)

Negotiate How You Get Promoted (Script)

Just because Sam or Steve got promoted grinding and hustling for approval, it doesn’t mean you have to do it like them. 

Everything is negotiable. Including HOW you get promoted. 

Here's a case study:

My client Amy is a senior software engineer — the first woman to lead a project in a nearly all male team.

Recently, her boss told her, "I’m relying on you to be a top producer for feature work. This will help you get to the next level." 

Amazing, right? 

Except Amy felt pressured. 

She thought she’d have to quickly produce without slowing down to shore up processes, something she loves to do because it improves the quality of output for everyone. 

She did not want to be like the other guys who, in their mad dash to get promoted, left behind a trail of errors and bugs for others to fix. 

So in coaching we addressed this head on. 

We identified the missing piece that helped Amy take control of her promotion strategy: Negotiating how it gets done.

3 key strategy points are: 

1. Engage the boss with curiosity  

She'll say, "I appreciate your vote of confidence in me. I'm curious to know how you'll measure the output of a top producer." 

2. Tell them how you’d like to be evaluated and why

"The reason I'm asking is because I care not just about the quantity of output, but also its quality, as it impacts the overall output of the entire team. 

As a project lead and future team lead, I think a top producer should be measured by not just the count of Jira stories closed, but whether they positively impact the team's overall performance. What are your thoughts about that?" 

3. Communicate a delegation plan 

She'll identify key tasks for quality improvements, such as updating a crucial documentation, and communicate her plan to delegate to junior members of the team who'd most benefit from the exercise. 

Here's why this strategy WORKS: 

- By engaging in a dialogue, she will demonstrate her thought leadership, her ability to problem-solve with a focus on value 

- She'll safeguard her time, energy, and focus without sacrificing time for herself or her family  

- She'll improve how she manages up and across, growing her reputation as a performer who's capable of leading at the next level 

- She'll enjoy a greater sense of ownership and satisfaction on her way to getting promoted 

 Which means she gets to feel proud and accomplished now AND later when she's promoted on her own terms 

You must know -- 

Amy is not a unicorn. She has a normal human brain like you. 

You too can have a say in how you get promoted. Without grinding it out like the other guys. 

You have a voice and the time is now for you to use it to shape the trajectory of your career. 

I can help you. 

I teach my clients a proven process that works for women. 

Book your free 60-minute consult today. I will help you bridge the gap from where you are today to the sustainable growth you want to have in your career. 

P.S. If you're thinking, "There's no way I can have an open conversation with my boss like this," I get it.

Not everyone will be open to a dialogue. But if you don't even try to engage, the answer will always be NO. You will be saying no to you.

I help my clients say yes to themselves, regardless of difficult bosses. As a result they up-level their careers:

- Margie secured a promotion to UX team lead and got the CEO's buy-in on her vision, even as her old supervisor just didn't get it

- Zoe successfully secured a Director position (a transfer within her org), no longer reporting to an overly critical boss

- Chandra voted with her feet and secured a VP position working with a new boss who supports (rather than undermines) her thought leadership

Here's the ONE thing they all did: They built conviction in their value INDEPENDENT of what their bosses were saying or doing.

They grew their self-trust as leaders, visionaries, and executives. They grew their negotiating power, regardless of who was being difficult.

You are just as capable as Amy, Margie, Zoe and Chandra.

I will help you pinpoint the missing piece so you too can secure your growth.
Book your consult today

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