Polite Career Killer (What to do about it)

Polite Career Killer (What to do about it)

The one time I nearly sabotaged my career, it didn’t feel wrong — I felt polite.

Thinking, “Of course, I’m not cut out for this high-level mentorship program,” was to AGREE with socialization, and to see myself — a woman, an immigrant, a minority — as inadequate.

But I didn’t see that. Not until my coach shook me loose of my misguided assumption and helped me see I have a CHOICE in how I see myself.

It was a rude but much needed awakening.

Now as an executive coach for women, I’m here to point out how familiar or “right” it can feel:

👉🏼 To say yes to redundant tasks to "take one for the team" that lead to burnout

👉🏼 To try to be friends with colleagues, at the expense of becoming a decisive leader

👉🏼 To give up on your negotiating power by assuming a passive voice instead of an engaged and active one in career conversations

Here's why:

Our brains are wired for social connection.

This makes it tempting to AGREE with colleagues and managers who sometimes act out of unconscious bias towards woman and women of color.

(For example, a client was told she's not "technical enough" for a promotion to senior engineer. Another was asked to go out of her way to make a new colleague "feel more confident and at ease" -- something her male colleague was not asked to do.)

It can almost feel POLITE to go along to get along, to diminish your voice... to DE-PRIORITIZE yourself. Especially if going along distracts you from self-doubt.

But here's the thing to remember:

✅ You don't have to agree with a flawed world. You always have a CHOICE.

✅ You're far more capable than other people's misguided assumptions about what a woman, a woman of color can do. And you're far more capable than your own doubts!

✅ Your potential deserves your courage —

To de-program socialization and to rewire your brain for greater self-confidence

To learn to say no so you can prioritize yourself as the authority of your own career and life

To negotiate and lead like the badass you truly are, so that you're not limited by others' unconscious bias

Instead of getting disliked, my clients who do this work earn MORE RESPECT and INCOME as a a result.

Instead of getting negative feedback, my clients consistently get more POSITIVE FEEDBACK at work.

Choosing yourself unlocks VALUE.

I guarantee these results.

If that's what you want, you're invited to book your free 60-minute consult today.

I'm gonna help you shake loose of misguided assumptions that are holding you back, so you can get promoted and better paid faster than you think is possible without burning out.

[CLIENT INTERVIEW] Dr. Tenisha's Story: How to Get Bolder, Braver, and Better Paid

[CLIENT INTERVIEW] Dr. Tenisha's Story: How to Get Bolder, Braver, and Better Paid

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