[CLIENT INTERVIEW] Dr. Tenisha's Story: How to Get Bolder, Braver, and Better Paid

[CLIENT INTERVIEW] Dr. Tenisha's Story: How to Get Bolder, Braver, and Better Paid

In this interview, you’ll learn:

  • How to deal with feeling intimidated being around other smart people who have more experience than you...and how to answer imposter syndrome with self-confidence

  • How coaching is different from doing self-discoveries, reading books, listening to podcasts, and watching Youtube...especially when things get hard and you don't know what to do

  • How to become more bold in your workplace communication without worrying about what other people think, and where to place your focus for maximum impact instead

  • How to secure a $10K pay raise even before you start the job

As an executive coach, I help smart, high-achieving women like you get bolder, braver, and better paid.

My 6 month, 1:1 coaching program is the answer to your personalized solutions so you can achieve your career goals with greater confidence and ease.

If that’s what you want, you’re invited to
book your free consult here.

Start of transcript


Hello, my name is Jamie Lee. I'm an executive coach who helps smart women who hate office politics, get promoted and better paid without throwing anyone under the bus. Today, I have one of my star clients, Dr. Tenisha Meadows and she's really an amazing example of what is possible, not just for women of color but for all smart women who want to overcome their self-doubt, build self-confidence and get better paid. Because they have built that confidence from the inside out. So without further ado, I want to introduce Dr. Tenisha Meadows, who is a passionate and experienced radiochemist, who is driven by solving complex issues. Hi, Dr. Tenisha, how are you?

Dr. Tenisha:

Hi, I am great. How are you?


I'm doing fantastic. I'm so glad to have you here and I'm so excited that you get to share your journey and story with my audience here. And where are you joining us from?

Dr. Tenisha:

I'm joining you from Richland in Washington, actually.


Okay. And I'm in New York City. So would you share with us, what was the problem that you were having in your career before you reached out to me for coaching?

Dr. Tenisha:

Oh boy. I was suffering from imposter syndrome, lack of self-confidence and I just felt intimidated to be around other smart people who just have more experience than I do.


And how did it feel as you were trying to solve this problem? And before you answer that question, I just want to note that you reached out to me before you completed your PhD before you became a doctor, but you had already had a career in radiochemistry. You were already working, right?

Dr. Tenisha:



Yeah. And so what was that like when you were trying to solve your imposter syndrome on your own?

Dr. Tenisha:

It's frustrating actually, because I did the self discoveries. So I would read books, I would look at YouTube videos, I would listen to podcasts and I would get this generalized advice. And it was easy to follow when things were easy but when things got hard, I revert back to the old ways of having low self-confidence and just suffering from the imposter syndrome. So, one minute I felt good and when things got bad and hard, I went back to my old ways. So it was tough.


Yeah. And when you reached out to me and we started coaching, how did you see that this process was different than consuming information on YouTube and reading books? How was that different?

Dr. Tenisha:

It was very different. So the coaching style is not generalized and it is more personalized to my individual needs and there was that missing puzzle piece that gave me the how to achieve my goal. And I did not get that from the videos, the podcasts and reading books.


Yeah. And I just want to add that you are one of the best clients, because when we co-create the specific how, the customized personalized how, you always went to work and you implemented everything that we discussed. So you showed up, you followed through on implementing that how and seeing for yourself, testing for yourself how it does work.

Dr. Tenisha:

Yeah. That's hard but the homework is necessary.


Yeah. So, tell us a moment when you realized that coaching was working for you.

Dr. Tenisha:

Oh, one time I was presenting for a meeting, I was given an update on my research actually. And I remember going to this meeting, not worrying about what other people may think. I was focused on myself, I knew the material and I was just focused on delivering my message to others. And it turned out to be one of the best presentations I gave. So having that confidence, it spreads to other areas and it shows.


So good, love it. And how did coaching help you get there?

Dr. Tenisha:

Well, it helps in a lot of ways. So you gave me that missing puzzle piece, the how, but also you gave me the homework, the assignments to practice that on a daily basis. So practicing the how and all the other advice you are given on a daily basis, it helps build that self-confidence so he could show up better.


Yeah, awesome. And how is your career different now that you have built self-confidence, you really went to work at building it and acting on it. How was your career different now?

Dr. Tenisha:

Now, I'm not afraid to speak up and communicate my concerns. I'm more bolder and braver now. Of course, I do it respectfully, I'm not just bursting in like the Kool-Aid Man.


Wait a second again, you're not doing what?

Dr. Tenisha:

I'm not coming through the doors like the Kool-Aid Man, like boom I'm here, but I do it respectfully but I am more bolder and braver now.


Love it. Would you share with us how building self-confidence impacted your completion of the PhD program?

Dr. Tenisha:

Absolutely, so because the final requirements for my degree is to present my research to the general public and I presented my research with such self-confidence even after the presentation, people walked up to me and congratulate me and it was before I got announced that I passed, like everyone knew I passed and I was just so amazed and shocked of that. Just rewarding and that acknowledgement from others.


Yeah. You earned it.

Dr. Tenisha:

Yes, I did.


So good. Would you share with us, what was the impact of getting coached on how to become not just bolder and braver but also better paid?

Dr. Tenisha:

Oh, it's nice. It's always nice to see your hard work pay off.



Dr. Tenisha:



So something that I do know about you is that you also renegotiated your job offer. You're starting a new position as a radiochemist and you renegotiated that job offer. Would you share what that was like for you?

Dr. Tenisha:

So, at first it was scary but I was determined. I want a raise and I actually got a $10,000 raise before I even started. I negotiated with the HR representative and she handed off my requests to her management and they approved it. And it's amazing just asking, the power of asking is imaginable. All you have to do is ask and sometimes it's given, in this case it was given.


Yay, love it. And so how did self-confidence come into play there when you did make your ask for a higher pay?

Dr. Tenisha:

The self-confidence gave me the courage to get over the fear of asking. So the fear did kick in initially but I got past it because I was confident. I knew what I wanted and I was willing to ask for it.


Yeah, awesome. And do you have any word of advice for other women who might be watching this, other women of color in science who maybe pursuing a PhD like you or who may be pursuing a career in science and they also feel imposter syndrome? What word of advice might you have for them?

Dr. Tenisha:

I would have two words of advice, the first is be kind to yourself. The environment is high paced and stressful but you have to be kind to yourself, speak kind words to yourself, treat yourself. And secondly, I will say stop seeking validation from others. Know your worth, know what you come into the room with and be satisfied with yourself and not look from that from others.


Yeah, so good. So self-validation is something that we work on in every coaching session. So would you share with us how do you flex that muscle of validating yourself, instead of looking for it from outside, from other people?

Dr. Tenisha:

So for me, I feel as though I have accomplished a lot in life, so I just need to be reminded of what I've done. And I actually keep a journal of the things I've done, the reasons I should be proud of myself. And just reflecting back to that journal, it gives me the feel to just be me and be comfortable and okay with me.


Love it, so good. Yeah, sometimes all it takes is a reminder.

Dr. Tenisha:



Pick one reminder, but just being reminded, "Hey, this is what I've done. This is what I've accomplished. If this is possible, imagine what else is possible, what bigger things I can do in the future." And Dr. Tenisha, you are going places.

Dr. Tenisha:

Yes I am.


Yeah and I just feel so honored and privileged to be your coach. You're somebody who really shows up with just another level of commitment, another level of accountability. I mean, Dr. Tenisha shows up to every coaching session dressed. And she always shows up on time, if not like few minutes early, it's your commitment, I think that, has really shown itself in the results that you've created for yourself, in the self-confidence, in becoming bolder, braver and better paid. So thank you so much for your time.

Dr. Tenisha:

You're welcome.


Yeah. All right, thank you.

Dr. Tenisha:

Take care.



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