How to Talk about What's NOT DONE and Still Look Good at Work

How to Talk about What's NOT DONE and Still Look Good at Work

When projects haven't yet yielded measurable results, smart women often think, "I don't want to talk about it to higher-ups. It doesn't have enough weight. Once I have results, then I'll feel comfortable talking about it." 

​The less you talk about it, the less higher-ups hear from you. 

The less they hear from you, the less they see you as ready for bigger things. 

Not ideal. Because you are totally ready. 

There's a dead simple way to talk your projects up, even if it's not done, so you look good. Good enough for bigger things. 

Scared, anxious, and a little bit fierce

Scared, anxious, and a little bit fierce

What's Nice Got To Do With It?

What's Nice Got To Do With It?