What's Nice Got To Do With It?

What's Nice Got To Do With It?

Being nice creates results you DON’T want.

Here’s what being nice can look like:

  • Second guessing your every move and word at work: “Would they think I’m dominating or call me a b— behind my back, if I raised concerns about the long-term viability of this project?”

  • Underselling your ideas. Underselling your accomplishments, because promoting yourself is not a nice thing to do. Giving credit is. Taking credit, not so nice.

    Being nice creates some not-nice results.

  • You feel exhausted from constant self-editing and resentful at anyone who isn’t nice but seems to get ahead just fine.

  • The gap between what you’re truly capable of and what the decision-makers think you’re capable of grows. You get overlooked for raises, promotions, hot jobs.

    So forget nice and become valuable instead.

    You become valuable by valuing who you are and what you bring. You are an experienced pro. A woman who leads. You bring industry insight and know-how. Your unique perspective adds value. Your ideas have value.

    Forget nice. Trust your value. Take credit for it. That's nice to your future self.

Not nice but fierce,


P.S. I believe women don't HAVE TO trade likability for future growth. It's a choice.

I believe playing small to meet some unspoken expectation of how a professional woman should or shouldn’t behave is patriarchal BS.

You ARE a professional who adds value every day.

Your future potential is not limited by failing to be nice. Because nice is NOT in the job description. Adding value is.

Instead of nice, you can be savvy and strategic in HOW you add and articulate value.

It's a simple process. You articulate your unique value, influence the decision-making process, and negotiate for what you want. You demonstrate your leadership.

I teach this to all my clients. It’s simple. You can learn it too. If you're interested, click here to apply for a consult.

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