Tapped to Consult? Here's How to Ask for Your Fee

Tapped to Consult? Here's How to Ask for Your Fee

Let's say a contact reaches out to you and asks if you'd be interested in consulting with them on a never-been-done-before project. 

Maybe they need your coding skills to build a tech platform for ferret-owners around the world. 

Or they think your finance experience will come in handy for pitching investors in their AI-driven fashion startup. 

Whatever it is, it's a brand new world. 

You're down for the learning, and you have an idea of what to charge. But you're just not sure you're doing it right, so you hesitate. 

What do you do? 

Here's my suggestion. Just pick a number and go. 

If indeed learning is the driver, then learn by taking action. 

Ask for what you want, even if you're not 100% ready or sure that your number or your framing or your timing is just right. 

You can say, "I'm willing to work with you on this on an hourly rate of X. Would that work for you?" 

Or, "To start, I'd like to be paid a monthly retainer of Y. If down the road you need a different arrangement, I'm happy to discuss what would make the best sense for you, me, and for the project. How does that sound?" 

Whether it's a go or no go -- and you need to adjust or go back to the drawing board -- you'll learn in the process of that back-and-forth. 

It's tempting to think "I need to become an expert to feel confident in asking for a fee." 

It might seem productive to think this way, but it is actually counterproductive to feeling confident. 


Because when you tell yourself "I need to become an expert to feel confident" you're making the assumption you're NOT an expert. You unconsciously postpone feeling confident, so you don't. 

What does it mean to be an expert? 

Here's one definition: it simply means you're ONE step ahead of the person you're helping. 

If you're being tapped to consult, it's 100% possible you are already one step ahead. It's 100% possible your contact already sees you as an expert. 

Whether you see yourself as an expert or not, don't wait until you feel confident. 

Instead of confident, work on feeling courageous to go into this brand new world. 

Courageous means feeling nervous / terrible / afraid - because you're doing something new and because you're taking an honest risk - AND creating a new result. 

Courageous is uncomfortable. 

Courageous is the fuel you need to ask for your consulting fee. It's the fuel you need to forge a new path. 

Confidence is what you'll have as a result. 

So go for it. 

You got this, 


P.S. If you want to learn the skill of generating courage and building conviction in your value, I can help you. I help smart women build confidence in themselves so that they exude executive presence, rise above office politics, and forge their own path in an uncertain world. Click here to apply for a consult

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