Why Women Give Up Negotiating Even Before We've Had the Chance

Why Women Give Up Negotiating Even Before We've Had the Chance

"I'm not going to negotiate my offer. I'll take whatever job offer I get, because there's too much competition," said a woman I met last night at a networking event.

What broke my heart was the way she said it.

As if it were fact that she had nothing of value to offer.

As if she were doomed to fail should she dare to compete.

As if there were something fundamentally flawed and lacking in her, so accepting the first job offer she gets is the best and only option.

I've so been there myself.

Why do so many of us women GIVE up negotiating even before we've had the chance?

Why do we undercut our self-worth and sabotage our net-worth?

Socialization programmed us to measure our worth by our looks, our grades, and by what other people think and say about us.

It's no mistake we feel inadequate, insecure, and anxious most of the time.

We've not been taught the skill of developing self-confidence from WITHIN us, where we do have control, power, and authority.

Everyday I teach my clients the skill of generating self-confidence to lead and to negotiate.

If this is what you want for yourself, let’s chat.

Submit a two-minute application form to be considered for sixty-minute consultation with me. I’ll help uncover ONE simple mindset shift that will bring control, power, and authority squarely back in your court.

If you really put a small value upon yourself 12.24.19.png
May You Become Bolder, Braver, and Better Paid in 2020!

May You Become Bolder, Braver, and Better Paid in 2020!

What Holds You Back?

What Holds You Back?