When Beating Yourself Up Is As Easy As Eating Out Of The Pantry

When Beating Yourself Up Is As Easy As Eating Out Of The Pantry

A client told me she thinks self-criticism is necessary for growth. 

Do you? 

When was the last time you thought, “I should’ve done it better?”

Maybe you think this way about… 

  • The presentation where you deferred on next steps instead of confidently announcing your next move. 

  • The Zoom meeting where your toddler barged in to sit on your lap, when all you wanted was to be seen buttoned up and totally professional. 

  • The morning you started with your to-do list, which got sidelined when you got pulled in half a dozen conference calls to address the ongoing crisis. 

Shoulda done better. Coulda done better. Why can’t I do better. 

Womp. womp. 

Being home all day can make ruminating and beating yourself up as easy as eating out of the pantry. 

Except you don’t grow… other than exhaustion, self-doubt and maybe your pant size. 

Self-criticism blinds you from your own value. 

The value you create as you… 

  • Get your work done 

  • Continue to provide useful information to your team

  • Make yourself available to your loved ones and family 

  • Become a more relatable, authentic person who is both a parent and a functioning professional…in the middle of a crisis. 

So please don’t beat yourself up. 

Instead, start thanking yourself. 

Not just in your head. Not just for pretend. 

Start thanking yourself on paper, once a day. 

“Dear me, thank you for putting pants on today. 

Thank you for showing up and giving updates, even though it was hard and you didn’t want to. 

Thank you for making yourself available to your loved ones and family. 

Thank you for taking care of yourself. 

Thank you for doing your best.” 

Self-appreciation opens you up to your own value. And the grace that you need today. 

With gratitude, 

P.S. Here's what my client Hannah says: 

"My coaching session with Jamie was amazing. She helped me to take all the thoughts and anxieties that were swirling around in my brain, analyze them with kindness and separate fact from anxieties. Her coaching framework helped to ground and center me and identify my next actions."

P.P.S. Appreciating you is at the heart of becoming your own best advocate. 

Imagine what it would be like to celebrate your growth every step of the way. Instead of cutting yourself down. Or getting stuck in compare and despair mode. 

You'd become more comfortable and confident in your own skin. You'd become magnetic to others. You'd be able to articulate your unique value and feel excited to make your mark in the world. 

If that's what you want, I'm here to help. 

In a 60-minute conversation, I'll help you identify your blindspots and develop a custom step-by-step plan for your growth strategy. 

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