Is 1:1 Coaching Right For You

While the decision to get coached is NOT quite the same as the decision to spend $40 on a jar of ultra hydrating facial cream… 

What I do know is that to be informed is to be empowered to make the right decision for you. 

So, allow me to share a couple of reasons why the 30 women who DID decide to work with me in 2023 to date have shared with me. 

Dos and Don'ts of Asking for a Raise

In the article “Dos and Don’ts of Asking for a Raise,” you’ll learn:

  • What and when to document to build a strong case for your raise

  • How to tailor your ask in a way that minimizes blowback and maximizes respect 

  • Word-for-word suggested scripts from two experts, and so much more 

How to Negotiate as a Woman of Color

"When I think about asking for raise, my anxiety spikes, because what if they say no? I'll feel like a total failure." 

A BIPOC client said this to me the other day.

Read on for the three-step strategy I offered my client, so she can advocate for her career growth with more ease and confidence.

50+ Things You Can Negotiate

There's at least 50+ things you can negotiate in your career beyond starting salary, spanning from equity compensation to getting paid out unused and accrued PTO.

To help you brainstorm and strategize for success, I've compiled a list with links to free articles and podcast episodes.

The Greta Gerwig Perspective

My client Ann — a brilliant executive who works with a nearly all-male team of leaders — and I came up with this super fun and useful tool that you can try on for size. 

It's called the Greta Gerwig Perspective. 

[REPLAY] Calm, Grounded, and Confident in 15 Minutes

Imagine stepping into every room where you're the only woman or woman of color among decision-makers, and worrying less about how you come across and what other people think... 

But instead sitting tall, relaxed, feeling good knowing that you're well-prepared and polished -- because that's who you are... 

Read more to find out how you, too, can get calm, grounded and confident really FAST.

How to Get Out of the Overwork, Under-Advocate Loop

When you find yourself in the loop of overworking but hesitating to advocate for what you want in your career… 

This doesn’t mean you can’t negotiate (we all become negotiators the moment we learn how to say "No" at the age of two)

Or that you don’t have the "right" personality to be an influential leader (being loud and extroverted is NOT a leadership requirement)…

High-Level Discussions with the C-Suite and Beyond

My client routinely works with the C-suite. She works among executives and will become one herself. 

But before coaching with me, whenever she had to interact with the CEO (which is on a fairly regular basis), she'd freeze up in high levels of anxiety 🥶 -- her mind spiraling, her jaw clenched, her palms cold and wet. 

Cautionary tale about negotiating like ajumma

My coaching practice is inspired by this spicy  ajumma — Korean word meaning "auntie," usually referring to a mother with strong elbows and IDGAF attitudes.

But let me share with you a cautionary tale about negotiating like an ajumma —

Read more for the full story.