How to Get Out of the Overwork, Under-Advocate Loop

How to Get Out of the Overwork, Under-Advocate Loop

When you find yourself in the loop of overworking but hesitating to advocate for what you want in your career… 

This doesn’t mean you can’t negotiate (we all become negotiators the moment we learn how to say "No" at the age of two)

Or that you don’t have the "right" personality to be an influential leader (being loud and extroverted is NOT a leadership requirement)…

All it means is that you’re in a habituated pattern of the mind. 

A pattern of thinking, "I need to prove myself." 

Or, "I’m not ready yet" 

Even though you’re already doing the work of folks one or two levels above you!

A habit of the mind is a tight-knit neural network, and the solution is to loosen up that knot 

— NOT burn yourself out by adding more to your plate when it’s already full. 

The beautiful thing about your brain is that it is malleable and adaptive, no matter your age, your background, or how many times someone said no to you in the past. 

This is the secret sauce behind my 1:1 coaching.

I help women build new self-advocacy muscles by leveraging the innate neuro-plasticity of their brains. 

  • This is how Mariah lost her negotiation anxiety in the first coaching session with me and asked for a raise — for the first time in her 15 years of working as a professional. 

  • This is how Abby overcome her fear of speaking up and opted out of working with a toxic manager, without getting wrapped up in the blame-shame game of office politics. 

  • This is how Darah is finding calm and serenity in the middle of a chaotic company reorg, as she builds her case for the promotion to Senior Director. 

This is possible because in coaching, we complement brain-state changing tools with proven communication strategies that will have your boss THANKING you for advocating for you. 


Are you ready to shake out of unhelpful patterns and build new habits of leading, advocating, and taking charge in your career? 

To get started with your custom blueprint to confidence, book your free 1:1 consultation with me today. 

Pitching Yourself for the Promotion, Refusing to be a Statistic

Pitching Yourself for the Promotion, Refusing to be a Statistic

For the Anxious and Exhausted: Have You Been Forgetting This, Too?

For the Anxious and Exhausted: Have You Been Forgetting This, Too?