How I learned to advocate for myself with less anxiety

How I learned to advocate for myself with less anxiety

A bit of backstory to my invitation to next week's open workshop: How to Advocate for your Career Growth with Less Anxiety... 

In my former life as an operations director, I wouldn't bat an eye if I had to stay in the office until past 7pm to ensure a client email was drafted with two hundred of just the right words with specificity and detail showing that, while I clearly knew my stuff, I also knew how to walk the fine line between respectful and tenacious. 

Going to bat on behalf of my company with clients and vendors was my jam. I was good at it. 

I also never hesitated to go to bat for my own direct reports. "She's an absolute asset to the organization. And yes, she definitely deserves that 20% pay raise," I'd say to the executives.   

YET. When it came to engaging in informal coffee chats with the company COO, or when I sat down 1:1 with my direct supervisor or an industry mentor to talk about the career growth I wanted for myself... 

I'd inexplicably find myself tongue-tied and unsure of myself, with a lump of anxiety pressing into my throat and stomach. 

I hadn't yet learned what I know now: 

  • That there wasn't anything wrong with me for feeling awkward or anxious, even if at the mere thought of speaking up, advocating and negotiating for myself. 

  • Because I was feeling the effects of being a woman (and a person of color, an immigrant) socialized to believe myths like, I should "keep my head down, do good work" and I "shouldn't rock the boat." 


  • That I can equip myself with easy, brain-state changing tools that I can practice just about anywhere and at any time, so I can feel LESS anxious and MORE calm and confident as I advocate for myself. 

Fast forward some years, and now I teach these very tools - combined with proven negotiation strategies - to my coaching clients who have now... 

 Secured promotion to Senior Director, VP, and President titles, because they advocated for themselves 

 Gotten budgets approved for contractors, freelancers and additional headcount, so they're no longer "drowning" in all the work 

 Pushed back on and finally get heard by that impossible executive who's always flip-flopping on decisions last minute

This is possible for you too. 

You too can advocate for your career growth with less anxiety, and on this coming Tuesday, I'm going to walk you through THREE of my favorite tools in an interactive workshop. 

Date: April 18th at 12pm EST (check to confirm what that is in your time zone)

HERE is the registration page, so you can secure your spot. (Yes, the replay will be sent to you if you register) 

Do you know another woman professional who feels nervous going to bat for herself? Forward her this post!

3 Ways to Close Gender Pay Gaps, According to Harvard

3 Ways to Close Gender Pay Gaps, According to Harvard

What to do and say when your boss is upset you negotiated

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