High-Level Discussions with the C-Suite and Beyond

High-Level Discussions with the C-Suite and Beyond

🙌 Today, one of my clients (a woman of color, finance director) celebrated the win of feeling calm and grounded in a meeting with the CEO. This was new to her. 

My client routinely works with the C-suite. She works among executives and will become one herself. 

But before coaching with me, whenever she had to interact with the CEO (which is on a fairly regular basis), she'd freeze up in high levels of anxiety 🥶 -- her mind spiraling, her jaw clenched, her palms cold and wet. 

The reaction wasn't conscious. It was an unconscious reaction, exacerbated by the worry, "What if I'm doing it wrong?" 

She's not. 

Like many of us women (and especially women of color) socialization had conditioned her to second-guess herself. 

The answer to unconscious programming in the brain isn't white-knuckling it, faking it, or working harder than you need to. 

The solution is to interrupt the unconscious patterns and to implement research-backed techniques to redirect the brain. 

In other words, 🧠 install a new, consciously selected program in the brain. 

Couple that with battle-tested self-advocacy skills, and you start standing tall, feeling confident as you speak up in high-level discussions with the C-suite and beyond. 

This is 100% possible for you too. 

My 1:1 coaching is a bespoke container for you, if you want tools that get you recognized and promoted, while gaining agency over your nervous system, so you can actually enjoy the journey of growth. 

To get started, you're invited to book your 1:1 consult with me, by 
clicking HERE

It's a free hour-long conversation, and you'll walk away with your custom blueprint to confidence. 

Talk soon,

P.S. My client Sasha, a DEI professional, says: 

Before coaching, I was incredibly tired of doubting myself and committing so much energy to worrying about how people perceive me. 

Through coaching, I gained tools to feel significantly less nervous and more confident speaking up, establishing boundaries, and communicating them. 

As a result, I started making decisions and taking action in my career that led to greater satisfaction and more appreciation for myself. 

I'm taking with me useful exercises and a greater sense of empowerment that is positively impacting both my career and my personal life. 


Would you like to learn how you too can build self-confidence and get equipped with tools that will create a positive ripple effect in your career and life?

To dive deeper, you’re invited to book your free consult today: Click HERE

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