Is 1:1 Coaching Right For You

Is 1:1 Coaching Right For You

The last time I bought something on Amazon (a bottle of Concentrated Vitamin C Serum for my dry and sensitive skin), I got sucked into the attention-warping vortex of my iPhone screen

... as I scrolled past the initial product descriptions

... past the dizzyingly long list of other products "frequently bought together"

... past the gobbledygook strings of model number, UPC number, ranking number,

🎞️ Then landed on customer review videos and clicked on three.

I watched one twice, just to be sure.

I’m what you call a methodical decision maker.

I have a tendency to try to remove the risk of buyer’s remorse, by doing a lot of research before clicking "Confirm Order."

It helps, I’ve found, to have transparency into WHY other people made their decision about the SAME thing.

You might feel the same way about the opportunity to claim one of the four remaining spots to coach with me 1:1.

While the decision to get coached is NOT quite the same as the decision to spend $40 on a jar of ultra hydrating facial cream…

What I do know is that to be informed is to be empowered to make the right decision for you.

So, allow me to share a couple of reasons why the 30 women who DID decide to work with me in 2023 to date have shared with me.

Hopefully, this will help you realize, "Hey, that’s what I want to achieve too." and decide to invest an hour of your time for a complimentary 1:1 consultation.


You’ll realize, "Hmm, those goals seem way off from what I’d like to focus on right now," and direct your brain’s highly-coveted attention to more relevant decisions.

Either way, you’ll have valuable clarity for making the decision that’s BEST for you, and that’s an essential element of confident self-advocacy.

First, let me tell you that the industries in which my clients work cover a wide range:

  • Medicine / Life Sciences / Pharmaceuticals

  • Tech and engineering

  • Advertising / Marketing / PR

  • Law and finance

  • Non-profit

Titles and credentials range from Managers, Directors, Heads, VPs, MDs, and PHDs.

Across each client there is a common thread:

1️⃣ They know they’ve come far (sometimes as the first person in their family to become a manager or to complete a doctorate degree) but they want the rest of their journeys to be on a different trajectory.

They want to set themselves up for sustainable, long-term success. They want to do it without burning out in the process.

Here’s what one of my clients, a sales lead at a cybersecurity startup, shared:

Through coaching with Jamie, I’ve made massive strides in reducing stress around work conversations.

I’m no longer ruminating, or playing conversations over and over again in my head in an anxious loop, feeling like, "Everything is so important," or "They’re trying to make me look stupid."

This was a pattern I struggled with across my whole career, and the impact of this change is HUGE for me.

I’m now more able to trust and accept my own choices, and be more focused on doing my job well while actually enjoying it.

Want to actually enjoy the process of growing your career? Claim your spot for a 1:1 consultation with me today, so you can reduce your stress and grow your finesse in engaging in career-shifting conversations.

2️⃣ They also want tools they can use on-the-go, so they can get centered and focused right before a networking event, a negotiation, or a big presentation.

They know that fulfilling, long-term growth is a culmination of breaking old habits and building new ones starting today, so they can reap the compound interests of showing up more confident one meeting, one day at a time.

Here’s what Christine, a Senior Manager at a global nonprofit, shared:

Client testimonial_Christine

Want to be equipped with neuroscience-backed tools to help your leadership shine at the next all-hands meeting? Book your free consultation today.

3️⃣ They want to build their leadership and negotiation skills in an authentic way that honors the unique thumbprint of their humanity.

Here’s what Ginger, a Senior Director at a bank, shared:

Advancing your career as a woman, a minority, a parent AND being the real, authentic, multi-dimensional human that you are, takes HEART.

It takes guts to unwind socialization that has you second guessing your worth, your voice, and your authority in meetings with nearly all male and pale leaders.

It takes courage to honor the humanity in you, so you can honor the humanity in others and LEAD them, even when you don’t see eye-to-eye with them.


If you’ve got the heart to become the kind of leader you want to see in the world

And you’ve got the desire to change to how you show up to conversations big and small

Or if you resonate with any of the above,

Trust that 1:1 coaching is designed to be custom-fit for you.

And rest assured, there are more real client reviews, the nuts and bolts of my coaching program and philosophy spelled out, and FAQs RIGHT OVER HERE.

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