Daring Moxie of Being Born a Girl

Daring Moxie of Being Born a Girl

My first feminist action:

COMING INTO THIS WORLD as a girl, into a patrilineal* society back in South Korea, in the early eighties when - with the advent of ultrasound technology - many girls were aborted, boys adored. 

I refuse to retreat into the dark because I lack a Y chromosome. 

My mom experienced harassment from her in-laws for the "embarrassment" of bearing three girls, no sons. 

On Christmas Day, 1989, my mom, my two sisters and I arrived at JFK airport in New York City as immigrants. 

My mom divorced my dad and worked her tuchus off. 

On her own, she sent all three of us to college while working as a nail technician and speaking broken English in New Jersey. 

When I think about my mom, my heart swells with pride and love, knowing deeply that she is an example of how powerful women truly are. 

That’s how I know I am a feminist. 

I continue to take up space as a woman believing in the sovereignty inherent in all people, no matter what their gender identification. 

Now I bring this belief to helping smart women get promoted and better paid, while honoring the authority innate in you, Jamie. 

So you, too, can provide for your loved ones (whether to four kids or to a pet ferret at home) and inspire others around you. 

Amy, a coaching client, worked with me to unwind her childhood conditioning that led her to feel inadequate as a leader, an authority amongst a sea of male managers at a tech company. 

And here’s where she arrived at: 

 I have authority because I exist 

Full stop.

Let’s own it. 

To be born into patriarchy, or any society that systematically gives the upper hand to men, is to be conditioned to internalize the falsehood that there’s something inadequate in us. 

ESPECIALLY when we dare ourselves to ask for more power and money. 

This is why I’m bringing The Feminist Cure for Self-Doubt

My brand-spanking new, free training on Wednesday, December 20th

This interactive webinar is designed to help you disentangle your brilliant brain from feeling stuck, anxious, and doubtful, so you can START confidently advocating for and stepping into greater income, impact, and authority in 2024 and beyond. 

CLICK HERE to secure your spot today. 

Be a friend and share this invite with women friends in your network. 

See you soon!

P.S. *Patrilineal refers to when the eldest son inherits family wealth, and daughters don’t. 

P.P.S. I received feedback that the webinar would be easier to attend if it was scheduled after 5pm ET. I heard ya! So this one is scheduled at 6pm ET / 5pm CT / 3pm PT. Check for your timezone on www.worldtimebuddy.com

If you can't make it, register anyways and get the replay emailed to you.

P.P.P.S. Here's yours truly in 1983 wearing hanbok, Korean traditional dress, and celebrating my 2nd birthday in Seoul, South Korea.

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