Love Letter to the Bigness of You

Love Letter to the Bigness of You

You’ve got a big brain , big heart  and big intentions to be of service in the world . 

You ENJOY being good at what you do. Mastery matters to you. 

You’re conscientious and thoughtful. 

But as a woman in a male-dominated workplace (or anywhere there is bias against women and historically excluded groups), you feel frustrated when you’re misunderstood and under-appreciated at work. 

You didn't grow your prowess intending to intimidate people (like your support staff who write things like, "She needs to tone it down" in anonymous 360 reviews, or your boss who won't share with you the work they can't even do well on their own). 

You didn’t get this far - with all your education, with your commitment, and with your perseverance - only to STOP growing because some people couldn’t wrap their heads around a woman leader like you in charge. 

You don’t give up…

Because you know that with the right tools at the right time, you CAN effect change - for yourself, for your team, for your loved ones, for the folks looking to you for an example of what’s possible. 

You don’t give up…

Because encountering obstacles and overcoming them IS part of the process… 

When you are trailblazing and breaking molds on your way to reaching new heights in your career, satisfaction, impact and income. 

You’ve got this. 

And you have my deepest respect, reverence, and admiration. 

When you want to accelerate your process and achieve new heights faster with 1:1 accountability and expert coaching support, you’re invited to book your free 1:1 consultation with me.

With love and respect, 

The other night we celebrated my mom's sixty-seventh birthday in New Jersey. Yeah, I know. She looks GOOD for her age. 

She's another woman I deeply admire and respect for her trailblazing prowess. 

At thirty-four, she immigrated halfway around the globe from South Korea to the United States with three young girls in tow. A domestic violence survivor, she divorced my dad and raised us by herself with practically zero support while speaking broken English. 

Throughout this time, she also managed to become a masterful, highly-sought-after nail technician who delights her customers. 

So, so proud of her. 

Likewise, I deeply respect what you have and WILL accomplish in your career journeys, while enduring the hard and difficult things of life and savoring joy and delight along the way. 

When the Path to Promotion Feels Murky or Unfair

When the Path to Promotion Feels Murky or Unfair

Pitching Yourself for the Promotion, Refusing to be a Statistic

Pitching Yourself for the Promotion, Refusing to be a Statistic