{STRATEGY & SCRIPTS} for Less Office Drama, More Yoga

{STRATEGY & SCRIPTS} for Less Office Drama, More Yoga

strategy and script for less office drama, more yoga

Let's say you're doing your best to spearhead the launch of a new product that will bring your company to the cutting edge of trends or technology.

Your cross-functional partners, say Jill in Customer Success and Sam in IT, have been collaborating with you closely, as they'll also be held accountable for the delivery of this product.

But recently there's been a shift in the tone that Jill and Sam take with you in meetings.

Jill comes across as increasingly adversarial, demanding you deliver on promises she herself can't make. And Sam is reluctant to commit to the launch deadline, saying it would be better to delay rather than risk getting blamed for unforeseen errors.

Just when you most need your colleagues to come together, collaboration seems to be falling apart.

WHY is this happening?

This happened to one of my clients.

Answer is simple:

Jill and Sam are scared of change. (Most people are!)

More specifically, they're afraid of getting thrown under the bus should the launch not go as planned. Jill's stress response is to fight, while Sam's is flight, or to avoid.

My client just wants to cut through the drama and get the work done.

So I asked her, "What's in your control to ensure the product launches on time?"

Together, we came up with a concrete action plan that makes the most of her decisive, no-drama approach:

  • Take the lead by documenting the launch plan

  • Set clear boundaries with both Jill and Sam ahead of time. Tell them, "Here's the plan, and here are the implementation details that will be open for discussion and what will not (i.e. deliverables and deadlines)." As a leader, you get to decide what's negotiable and what's not.

  • Calm their fears. Bring reassurance in the form of executive sponsorship, to galvanize Jill and Sam into coordinated action.

  • My client will present the written plan to her executive sponsor and tell them, "Here's how this launch will address the business' needs and help the company achieve its goals. I'm confident that getting the product launched on time is not only doable but will add the most value to everyone involved."

She will ADVOCATE for the product launch up and across the organization in a way that allays her colleagues' fears and brings clarity of focus to her executive sponsor -- all WITHOUT getting mired in drama.

She will not lose any sleep over this.

Instead, she will have time and energy at the end of workweek to go do yoga with a friend. Less drama, more yoga.

To her executive sponsor, she will stand out as a real pro. Promotable.

No matter what drama is happening at your work, you too can cut through it and rise above it.

I will show you how.

It starts with a chat. Book your complimentary consultation today.

Talk soon,

Jamie Lee smiling
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