What You Get for Asking Afraid

What You Get for Asking Afraid

People often tell me, “I need to get comfortable with speaking up and asking for what I want.” 

No, you don’t. 

Comfort is not what creates confidence. 

Courage is. 

Courage feels awkward AF, vulnerable and thorny. Like in the best yoga stretch that starts with a groan but ends with a deep, releasing exhale. 

Or think about what it was like getting your MBA. 
Giving birth. 
Immigrating to another country. 
Presenting your idea in front of the executive team. 

They took mountains of courage, not comfort. As a result, who you are changed. 

It’s the same with speaking up for you in your career. 

Do not wait for comfort that never arrives. Don't buy into the Comfort Fallacy. Don't wait for everyone else to feel okay, for the "right and best time," for the perfect performance review. 

Start speaking up even if afraid. Let courage trump fear. And start now to communicate your wins and wants. 

On the other side of fear, your transformation awaits you.  

Plus, you will get promoted sooner and grow your income. 

And with practice, you will exude leadership presence, becoming more effective at making impact, regardless of office politics du jour.

Today is the day to start. 

In my coaching practice, I help my clients unwind Comfort Fallacy, so they take consistent, courageous action from a confident mindset and upturn the trajectory of their careers.  

If that’s what you want, I can help you. 

Book your consult today.

In an hour I'll show you how to bridge the gap from where you are now to the career transformation you want. 

Courageously yours, 

P.S. Speaking of wins --

I celebrate y'all who IMPLEMENT the tips and strategies from my posts and trainings and generate RESULTS like these:

Text reads: "I had a convo with my boss to set the stage for a future raise (taking your advice!) and got more than half of it on the spot and a verbal agreement to get more in my next real performance review in 6 months (he said I'm giving you a bump now so that you get more from a % raise later)"

Message reads: Hi Jamie, I went to your virtual session on negotiating your next raise. It was perfect timing because my convo with my boss was the next day. I was so glad that I was equipped with the perspective you gave us (you won't be comfortable, you don't need to be perfect, etc)....

Hi Jamie, glad to be able to write you back and say that my raise was increased from $2,500 to $5,500 thanks to your AWESOME TIPS!

Text reads: So I've been mentoring someone I work with and tagging him in your posts for awhile. I happen to make more than him even though we are both [REDACTED]. So this time he decided to ask for a rate increase and got 20% more per hour... I've told him a lot of things you told me.

P.P.S. I love the people who read all the way to the end. You're amazing and look fabulous today.

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