[SCRIPTS} Say No Without Being a Jerk

[SCRIPTS} Say No Without Being a Jerk

{Scripts} Say No Without Being a Jerk

Someone asked me, "If you could give yourself only one piece of advice for the month of December, what would it be?"

My gut answer was:

Do less.
Be more.

Give yourself ample time to rest.

You deserve it for surviving 2020 and 2021.

You need to refuel for 2022.

Say no to the non-mandatory meetings.

Turn down the holiday party invitations, if what your body truly craves is alone time, snuggled up on the couch with a hot mug of tea.

Do less.
Be more kind to you.

Your honest no is a kind yes to you and it's in the best interest of everyone.

Even if the folks who ask for your time quibble at your no, you benefit them by NOT going against your integrity. By NOT doing things half-heartedly, while wishing you’d said no in the first place.

So I invite you to borrow, steal or adapt any of the following —

1. "Thank you for asking, and no."

A simple no can be as kind as a simple yes. You don’t always have to explain your no.

2. "This is a great idea, and I’m not the best person to work on it. So-and-so may be. Would you like an intro?"

Collegial, with offer of actionable solution. Helps you strengthen connections without doing work you don’t want to do.

3. "I like to give everything I do my full attention so I can make a meaningful contribution. Given my current list of priorities, December is not the best time for me to participate in this meeting. Would you please reach back out in January?"

Thoughtful and assertive counter-ask.

4. "I honestly don’t have any details to share on topic X, but if you have questions on overarching strategy for Y which is my area of expertise, please reach back out."

No can be an opportunity to get known for the things you want to be known for.

No can be a respectful and healthy way to set boundaries around your time and focus.

Set yourself up for bigger success in 2022 by giving others the gift of your honest no.

Wishing you well,


P.S. If you've ever felt like you can't ever say no to more work...

Or if you've ever felt burned out, or like you've "torpedoed" your career,

Check out this
LinkedIn post by Charlotte Rocker.

She hired me as her executive coach for 6 months in 2020.

She's continuing to reap the compounding results from learning the skills to

  1. Build her self-confidence

  2. Articulate her professional goals, and

  3. Set healthy boundaries after recovering from burnout

In 2021, she got promoted to Executive Director at Novartis months ahead of schedule and is now fulfilling her dreams of becoming a mother and a board member.

Even if it feels far out of reach right now, your career and life dreams are possible.

I will show you how you can apply my proven process to your specific situation.

Book your consult today.

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