Intention Neutrality for Greater Visibility

Intention Neutrality for Greater Visibility

Let’s say a particular person with some authority at work, for whatever reason you can’t quite articulate, gets your cortisol level up every time they ask for an update.

You go on high alert, put every other task aside, BUT can’t write the update as well as you can… because a sense of panic clouds your best judgment.

Instead of being chill and telling it like it is ("It’s in progress and we’re just working through some minor details"), you clam up and get tense.

Unconsciously, a part of your brain has made up the story that this person doesn’t think you’re doing a good enough job… and soon enough everyone will know this too. (Hello impostor syndrome!)

I used to think this way all the time. Even when NO ONE ever told me I wasn't doing a good enough job. And lose confidence while frozen at the computer.

Here’s what I’ve learned since then: Not all stories offered by my brain are true.

At least 51% of it is hogwash.

It’s safe to just notice them and let them float by like a breeze.

And it's almost always safe to assume neutral intent.

So try this on for size: Intention Neutrality.

Next time this person asks for an update, simply be open to the possibilities of all good, bad AND neutral intentions.

Maybe your brain is right with its catastrophic thinking.

Or maybe this person has good intentions and they trust you. Why else rely on you for an update?

Or maybe they weren't thinking about you at all -- simply wanted an update, because they were thinking about the work THEY have to do.

Truth is, you can't ever know what they were actually thinking when they said things to you. (Often, people themselves aren't clear on what they're thinking as they go about their day at work. This is normal.)

This is GREAT NEWS, because when you practice Intention Neutrality, you can interpret their intentions in the best way that helps you respond with calm confidence.

For my client who wants to grow her visibility at work, Intentional Neutrality led to her consciously choosing to interpret this person's request as, "They're trying to help me."

She's going from frozen and feeling like she's not doing a good enough job, to fluid and feeling calm, supported as she grows her visibility with stress-free, speedy updates.

Over time, Intention Neutrality snowballs into grounded-ness that helps you exude executive presence even in the face of pushback. You no longer let your primitive brain hijack your ability to calmly respond, to prioritize, and to make progress in your career.

This is possible for you too, no matter who's currently raising your cortisol levels at work.

Because your mind, your behavior and your career are in your control.

I will help you manage your mind so you can implement the best strategy for the career growth that you want.

Book your complimentary 60-minute consult here.

Talk soon,

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