Impossible is Temporary

Impossible is Temporary

Impossible is temporary

When I was a 7 year old girl living in Seoul, South Korea, speaking English felt impossible.

When I was 8, my family and I immigrated to America and, for a few few months, the five of us lived in a studio apartment in West Midtown, New York. Then, the world beyond the 5 block distance between my dad's open-air storefront in noisy Times Square and the dusty studio apartment felt impossible.

When I was a 9 year old living in New Jersey, enrolled in ESL, and still holding on to the memory of Seoul as home, belonging felt impossible.

When I was 17, when the straight A's weren’t enough to get me into Columbia, success felt impossible.

In college, figuring out a career outside of school felt impossible.

Then in the "real world," feeling good enough at what I do felt impossible.

So did taking credit, feeling confident, comfortable in my own skin, or asking for a raise or promotion — all impossible.

For a while.

Then I did the impossible things.

Speaking English. Traveling the world. Finding belonging and comfort in my own skin. Growing my income and impact, because I decided to.

And I will do more than I can imagine right now.

As will you.

Impossible is temporary.

Your possibility is bigger than your past.

You will do the impossible. Because you have.

Like my client DeAndra who once felt it was impossible for her to speak up and ask for what she wants in her career. In less than 4 months of coaching, she advocated for a bigger role and rode the wave of her courage to apply for and secure her dream job that pays $50K more.

Or Charlotte who once felt it'd be impossible for her to get past the trauma of burnout without beating herself up for feeling like an impostor at work. After 6 months of coaching, she got promoted to Executive Director months ahead of schedule -- without burning out or faking her confidence.

They're not unicorns. They simply applied a process that works. And you can do it too.

You're ready to make the impossible an inevitability faster than before.

Get expert 1:1 support to stay on track all the way to your next promotion, your next career achievement.

Let's make the impossible happen.

Book your consult here.

From possibility,

P.S. Here's what happens in a confidential, hour-long consult:

First I will walk you through an intake, so I can understand the results you have now, the results you want to have, and both real and perceived obstacles in the way of you achieving your desired results.

Whether it's getting promoted, better paid or growing your team with more ease and less anxiety, I will outline a step-by-step custom solution that you can implement to make what feels impossible now your new reality in the near future.

You will learn how to make your impossible goal a real possibility, then inevitability.

You're invited to
book your consult here.

Intention Neutrality for Greater Visibility

Intention Neutrality for Greater Visibility

[CLIENT INTERVIEW] Sarah Eadie: How to Reduce Self-Doubt at Work and Send That Tough Email

[CLIENT INTERVIEW] Sarah Eadie: How to Reduce Self-Doubt at Work and Send That Tough Email