Going First Without Knowing the How

Going First Without Knowing the How

I’m the second born in my immigrant family from Korea, but first to attend Smith, an all women’s college on full ride.

First to move to NYC (after saving $2k from a temp job).

First to make six-figures as a tech company manager.

First to make six-figures as an entrepreneur.

I got to each first doing it messy.

I made LOTS of mistakes. (And still do.) 

The costliest mistakes were whenever I thought I had to be fake, play politics or jump through extra hurdles to "prove my worth" at work.

Those mistakes cost me time and energy. Every time.

The biggest reason I got to be first is because I made my future bigger, more compelling than my past.

This generated self-confidence and the courage to step into the future.

Even when I didn’t know how I’d get to the finish line.

Going first without knowing the how is leadership.

If I can do it, so can you.

I will help you go first. 

First woman leader to get promoted without throwing anyone under the bus.

First woman in your family to make multiple 6-figures+. 

First woman Chief of X in your field.

I will help you bypass costly mistakes, stop second-guessing your value at work, so you can get promoted and better paid in six months or less. 

Book your 1:1 consult today.

Talk soon,

P.S. My client Carole went from newly hired to on the fast track for promotion in six months. 

Here's what she says: 

"Coaching with Jamie changed my life. It has changed my way of thinking.

I learned to value my accomplishments instead of waiting for other people’s approval.

I learned to value what I’m capable of instead of taking myself for granted."

Book your 1:1 consult today.

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