How to Be Assertive Without Being an A-hole

How to Be Assertive Without Being an A-hole

"I'm afraid being assertive means I'll be like the A-hole that I don't respect at work." 

"Being assertive is just WRONG, in the middle of a pandemic and in economic uncertainty." 

"If I assert myself, I will be stepping on toes and throwing people under the bus."

I could go on and on. The fear of taking a stand for you shows up in a hundred and one ways. 

This leads to self-advocacy debt. 

Self-advocacy debt is when the gap between your true potential and career trajectory grow because you don't assert. You don't confidently state your value and vision. 

How do you know if you have self-advocacy debt? 

Symptoms of this debt are getting passed over for promotions, getting paid below going market rates, and a lingering sense of powerlessness over your career.

I've once been neck-deep in self-advocacy debt. Like that time when I was shattered to hear that Brad, whose work I'd considered sloppy, got promoted and I didn't. 

Because I'd been acting out of the outdated myth that good girls are not assertive. That when you're an assertive woman, you're an A-hole no one likes. 

Here's what I know for sure: It is 100% possible for you to be assertive at work, for you, WITHOUT being an A-hole. 

Here's what research says: Assertive women make more money than passive ones. 

Getting more assertive is not complicated. You don't have to go on a long journey of "self-discovery." You don't have to give your personality a facelift.  

It takes simple steps anyone can implement, regardless of whether you're an introvert or been either pushy or a pushover, like me. 

You implement the steps and you get to become more of who you are. You become more confident in your expertise, thought leadership, authority. 

I will be sharing these simple steps with you this Wednesday at 6pm ET. 

Wednesday, May 27th via Zoom Webinar. 

Mark your calendar. Zoom link coming soon. 

See you there,

P.S. If you want to take this work deeper, I invite you to work with me 1:1. You will unlearn outdated socialization that has you worrying more about other people's opinions of you than your own. You will stop underselling yourself to others and negotiating against yourself in your own mind. You will become more decisive and clear in your communication. You will engage in brave conversations and frame for win-win in an authentic and genuine way that inspires others into action. 

It all starts with an introductory consult conversation. You're invited. 

What To Do When You're Afraid of Being Disliked for Being Assertive

What To Do When You're Afraid of Being Disliked for Being Assertive

Pushy or a Pushover?

Pushy or a Pushover?