Pushy or a Pushover?

Pushy or a Pushover?

Assertive women get called names. I am proud to say I have too. 


I’ve been a tough negotiator, driving my agenda hard and not relenting until I got what I wanted. 

I’ve set boundaries and put my foot down with a firm no, even when it upset people. 

Not everyone was a fan, and I am okay with that. 

I love that about myself. I love that I know how to take a stand and take care of me.

But honestly, I have also been a pushover.


I have hardly ever said no to my mother, who is always smiling but intimidating. 

I’ve said yes to countless stuff I didn’t really want because I didn’t want to make waves. 

I have people-pleased at work, feigning enthusiasm and support and going along with the group, only to back out at the last minute, because my heart wasn’t in it. 

And that’s okay too. 

All of it — being both pushy and a pushover — has enriched my experience as a flawed, but evolving human. 

It taught me the gratification of having my say, the disappointment of playing small, and the wisdom to know the difference from the inside out. 

Pushy. Pushover. They’re labels for what you do. Not who you are. 

Talk soon,

P.S. Coaching tools taught me WHY I get pushy or let people push me over and how changing that pattern of behavior is 100% within my control. 

When I teach these simple tools to my clients, they learn to celebrate their assertiveness without apologies, to stop letting other people’s agendas drive their careers, and become more self-confident as a result. 

If that’s what you want, I invite you to a consult. 

How to Be Assertive Without Being an A-hole

How to Be Assertive Without Being an A-hole

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