What My Bosses Got Wrong About Me

What My Bosses Got Wrong About Me

For a former boss, I may still be the Korean “girl” who never smiled at work. (Outside of work, I smiled plenty)

Or a bleeding heart liberal who belonged at a nonprofit. (This was the career assessment I once got from a CTO of a startup)

Or a nincompoop who couldn’t be bothered to learn futures trading while at a hedge fund. (I still can't)

Back when I was an employee, I bristled at any perceived disrespect.

I needed my bosses to respect and approve of me, so I can feel safe in my career.

If there was a whiff of displeasure — or just a look — I would spin in mind drama about how I might lose my job.

I was tense, anxious and wound up in my head. In fight or flight mode. Stressed out.

Looking back, I have compassion for my younger self. She was so talented and didn’t know she was tormenting herself.

My younger self missed out that safety was in my control. That feeling safe in my own skin is 100% available to me at any time. With or without a job.

That my boss’ misconceptions don’t determine my future. I do.

And I know this to be true because I did.

Fast forward some years, I became my own boss. I exceeded my income goal as a professional coach.

Without fake smiling or working for nonprofits or trading futures.

Your boss might be wrong about you, too. 

What if that’s not a problem for you? 

Because YOU determine your future.

You get to be the dark horse that blows past their expectations. You get to take a stand for what you’re capable of. You get to never stop believing in your potential for greatness. 

And if they don’t support you at all, you get to vote with your feet. Your decision. Your career. 

Do you want to make your boss a non-issue for your own emotional well-being, your growth and career satisfaction?

It is 100% possible, and I can help you.  


In this hour-long conversation, I will help outline your custom process to get to achieving the growth and fulfillment you want in your career. 

All without throwing anyone under the bus, and generating power for your future success.

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