How I Went From $10/hr to $110K

How I Went From $10/hr to $110K

My first job out of college, I got paid $10/hour to make cold calls for a shady internet company until the CEO got indicted for shady behavior. 

I can do better than this, I thought. 

Next, I temped for an international government organization that was going to build a nuclear power plant in North Korea, as a diplomatic solution. Obviously, it failed. 

Work dried up. In the office, I sat in icy silence for what felt like eternity. It hurt my soul not to be contributing.  

I can do better than this, I thought. 

I quit the organization. With no job, I moved out of my mother's couch to an apartment share in Queens with $2,000 in my checking account. 

I can figure this out, I thought. 

In a few months, right before my cash ran out, I secured an offer to work as a buyer for a Korean heavy industries company. I took it without negotiating the offer (please don't do this). My salary was $30,000. 

It was my job to negotiate in English for lower prices of steel plates or copper coils with vendors in America. Then to communicate the progress in Korean to headquarters in South Korea. 

I can figure this out, I thought. 

I learned negotiating is fun when you have rapport between people. I also taught myself how to type business Korean to ask for better leadership, when my manager took naps in his office.  

I can do better than this, I thought. 

I had transferable skills, so I got a better paying job with a new beauty company. I made $43,000 and I enjoyed that job, but after two years, the thought returned. I can do better than this. 

I posted my resume on Craigslist (please don't do this either), and I got a job working as a qualitative analyst for an Asian hedge fund. Two weeks before the 2008 Financial Crisis. 

I made $70,000, and later found out I was paid below the going market range. I stayed in that job for two years. It was not so fun, but eye-opening. 

I started reading about entrepreneurs, tech startups, and the women who run and invest in them. 

I started thinking, I want to do that AND I can figure it out

So I pivoted yet again to work for tech entrepreneurs, which lit my own entrepreneurial desire. While working for startups, I hosted community workshops and got involved with Toastmasters, so I can do better speaking in public. 

I saw the women in my sphere running their own business as a coach, and I felt inspired. 

I thought I want to do that AND I can figure it out.  

I grew my desire to become a professional coach. 

I was making $100K when I left my tech startup job four years ago. I now work for myself helping smart and ambitious people who love what they do but hate office politics. 

I help my clients manage their own minds, build value and confidence in themselves so they get moving forward, making more impact and income. Everything I had to learn in my journey. 

I help my clients who are thinking I can do better than this do better. 

You know how? 

By thinking I am going to do what lights me up, and I can figure it out. 

In the past year, I made $110K as a full-time professional coach. More than I ever made as an employee. 

I'm not special. I job-hopped through most of my career. Most of the time I felt like I was fumbling in the dark, alone. 

So if the crises in our world and the demands of your career have you feeling like you can't bounce back, please know you're not alone. You will figure this out. Growth feels like a**, and there's nothing wrong with you. 

If you want help figuring it out and doing it better, I can help you. Book your complimentary consultation here.

Here's What's Working for My Clients

Here's What's Working for My Clients

Women, Negotiating, and Self-Worth

Women, Negotiating, and Self-Worth