How To Do The Impossible In the New Year

How To Do The Impossible In the New Year

This month, I'm helping my clients set impossible goals for 2021.

Going from newly hired associate director in 2020 to managing 2 PnL lines by end of 2021. From learning the ropes this year to raising $300MM in capital for a new investment fund. Ending next year as the first woman of color company executive. WITHOUT burnout.


Because impossible is TEMPORARY.

In 2020, in the middle of a global pandemic, my clients felt it’d be impossible to:

👉🏼 Stop overworking past 6pm and on the weekends

👉🏼 Grow headcount, maximize their bonus and get promoted

👉🏼 Advocate for what they want and secure better pay at their dream job

Yet they did exactly that, and more.

You can do this too.

Setting impossible goals today will help you grow faster beyond your comfort zone. It will help you get bolder and more strategic in your career planning. Sooner than never.

Your brain will resist, saying goals are far-fetched. Or you'll fail.

Of course you will. But failing is not a problem, because you get back up on your feet, wiser and more resilient than before.

The real problem is when you talk yourself out of setting goals in the first place, because obstacles feel insurmountable.

Or when the real obstacle is impostor syndrome.

Let 2021 be the year you do impossible things, because you replace impostor syndrome with inner confidence that's unshakable.

I'm going to teach you how. It's as simple as math.

Join me on Wednesday, 12/30 for a live training. (Click here to watch the replay)

(If you joined the training early this month and still have questions, join again. If you missed it, here's your chance for 2020. Or if you want to get the replay to watch over the holiday break, register today.)

Let's do impossible things,

P.S. In coaching, we have fun imagining BIG and solving for a bolder future. It's one of the six key steps that I will teach you on 12/30 for how to unwind impostor syndrome to build self-confidence.

Through coaching, the once-impossible goal becomes doable. Clients feel confident, compelled and clear on immediate next steps. They take action.

This isn’t woo. It’s strategic thinking. What visionary leaders do.

The world needs more visionary women -- Black, Latinx, Asian, immigrant, queer -- to lead. Like you.

If you know of any other women leaders who can benefit from learning how to replace impostor syndrome with confidence, be an ally. Kindly do share
this link.

From Feeling Like an "Impostor" to Competent and Confident

From Feeling Like an "Impostor" to Competent and Confident

Two Things to Say to Increase Your Pay for 2021

Two Things to Say to Increase Your Pay for 2021