From Feeling Like an "Impostor" to Competent and Confident

From Feeling Like an "Impostor" to Competent and Confident

The first woman of color to become Director at a Fortune 500 company.

The first woman in her lineage to graduate with a PhD in science.

The first working mother to be recruited into a tech company as software engineer.

From the outside looking in, my clients' accomplishments can look shiny and bright.

Except -- like First Lady Michelle Obama, Academy Award winner Viola Davis, New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes, and other trailblazing women -- being first can mean contending with feeling like an impostor, only because there aren't others who look like you at your level of achievement.

This was the case for my client Amy.

When she started coaching with me 6 weeks ago, she felt stuck in her career.

Though she’d more than 2X’d her income as an engineer and had been hand-picked out of her coding academy to join her current team.

She felt her confidence drain when she focused on these facts:

- 🤷🏻‍♀️ She’s a single mom with no time outside 9-6 to do extra work

- 🤦🏽‍♀️ She’s the only woman in her team of engineers

- The other guys majored in computer science and she learned to code post-BA

Through coaching, she learned the simple process to STOP using selective facts against herself.

She questioned and let go of the thought that she had to live up to a superhuman ideal to be "good enough," and to be of value at work.

She consciously developed the muscle of validating and celebrating herself — as a single mom and provider, as a capable and talented engineer, as a professional on par with her peers, regardless of her gender.

As a result, she is seeing transformations in her confidence six weeks in.

This will have ripple effects on her career trajectory, her capacity to negotiate, her income potential, and the example she sets for what a mom can do...for her kids and for other women who will follow in her foot steps.

This is possible for you too. It's not brain surgery. It requires a basic understanding of how your brain works, which I'll show you.

Next Wednesday 12/30, I'll teach you my proven 6-step process for replacing impostor syndrome with confidence in a way that works for your brain.

I want to help you put your best foot forward in 2021, for yourself, your loved ones, and the women who will follow in your foot steps.

P.S. Here's what Amy says about coaching with me:

Six weeks into the six month program, I'm seeing major transformations. I went from feeling stuck and like an impostor as an engineer to feeling competent and confident in my abilities to solve problems at work and at home as a single mother.

Coaching with Jamie works. I'm looking forward to further developing my leadership and negotiation skills in 2021.

To book your free consult, click here.

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