Two Things to Say to Increase Your Pay for 2021

Two Things to Say to Increase Your Pay for 2021

BEFORE engaging in comp review or salary negotiation, first say this out loud, privately: 

"I have enough AND more is coming."

Say it while looking at your paycheck (or the amount on your screen). Like you mean it.

While the gender and color wage gap may be real, it is not your irredeemable truth that you don't have enough. Or that more isn't coming your way. 

You might want to argue with me on this. But hear me out. This is a crucial insight that has helped me double my income and generate $800K in additional compensation for my coaching clients in 2020. 

Here's why this works: 

Thinking you don't have enough makes you feel not enough. Not confident in yourself. 

It has you avoiding comp review or salary negotiation out of frustration and fear. 

Or when you do engage from "I don't have enough," you get defensive replies that only deepens distrust.

And even when you do negotiate from "not enough," it's not sustainable. Because you soon discount the higher pay, so that it's not enough to make you feel confident, as you think you should. 

The point of getting bolder and better paid is LOST if you don't do it in a sustainable way.

The most sustainable way to grow your income is from a place of sufficiency. From thinking, "I am enough. I have everything I need in this moment. And I can have more." 

Sufficiency is NOT the same as condoning discrimination in the workplace. It's not pardoning structural inequities or toxic workplace culture. 

Sufficiency is a decision you make for you. It's a choice to feel resourceful under any circumstance. To be present, comfortable in your own skin. To engage in any conversation with calm confidence. 

Sufficiency is the emotional fuel you want in your tank, when you engage in compensation conversation with your boss, as you say: 

"Given the quality of my contributions this year, I'd like to be at the high end of the pay range in 2021. How can we work together to make this happen?" 

You got this, 


P.S. When you're sufficient, you can take action that makes you feel proud and confident in yourself. 

That's exactly what happened with my client Kristine, who today shared: 

Thank you so much for helping me to prepare for my comp convo with my manager yesterday! I’m happy to report it went well! My manager agreed that I have contributed a LOT the past 2 quarters, which made the conversation go very smoothly. :)

He thanked me for letting him know (about what I wanted: 10% salary increase). He will also check if I’m eligible for a merit-based grant refresh for more RSUs (equity compensation).

I’m proud of myself for advocating for myself. I’m also really proud of myself for reaching a place where my manager acknowledges, respects, and values my work, especially given our rocky start. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me with that!

P.P.S. If you want help shifting to sufficiency so you can confidently advocate for yourself, and receive the acknowledgement and respect for the value you bring, NOW is the time to book your free consult with me. 

If it's a slam dunk fit, you can kickstart January 2021 with the 1:1 coaching support you need to grow your confidence and stay on track for exponential growth. 

Click here to book your consult today. 

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