I had no idea this could happen

I had no idea this could happen

(The photo is yours truly in my early twenties, almost 20 years ago)

When I graduated college nearly twenty years ago, I had no idea what I was doing.

I worked in sales, in finance, in procurement, and later at tech startups…

not because I had a passion for any of those things, but simply because my employers gave me a paying job.

Though I was competent enough to get hired, get promoted, and grow a team…

I had very little confidence in myself, and it showed.

In my barely-there, barely-heard voice.

In chronic bouts of self-doubt that had me gazing down rather than looking up to where I wanted to go.

Eleven years ago, I started teaching negotiation and self-advocacy for a very selfish reason — because I needed to learn these things for myself.

Then I started coaching for another very selfish reason — because the coaching tools were exactly what I needed to start believing in myself.

I am the first to test and implement everything I teach my clients.

I am client number one.

Years into my coaching practice, that part of me is blown away when I see my clients:

  • Break out of decades-long patterns of perfectionism and compare-and-despair and start making headway towards a more satisfying career

  • Initiate conversations, with a sense of ease and lightness, that unlock growth opportunities and up-level their career trajectories

  • Speak up and honor their voice in a way that elevates women's, and BIPOC women's leadership in the workplace

Honestly, it feels like MAGIC.

Magic is what's possible when a dash of selfishness meets your open curiosity, your commitment to growth, and little bit of faith that you too can change, no matter how lost or discouraged you'd been in the past.  

If you want to find out how coaching can help you go from lacking in confidence to creating results that feel magical, I invite you to book a free 1:1 sales call with me today.

What I learned at the sewing machine about impostor syndrome

What I learned at the sewing machine about impostor syndrome

Bounce Back Workshop (REPLAY)

Bounce Back Workshop (REPLAY)