Bounce Back Workshop (REPLAY)

Bounce Back Workshop (REPLAY)

Behind the mask (sometimes literal and often figurative) and behind the smile, I’m often scared, anxious and doubtful.

On more days than I care to admit, I wake up filled with dread and with the temptation to stick my head in the sand, or run away from the responsibilities of life.

I used to think this meant there was something fundamentally wrong with me. That I wasn’t cut out to achieve my dreams.

But I’ve bounced back over and over again from my insecurities, even when they seemed to materialize in career setbacks (like failing to negotiate for myself) and gut-wrenching disappointments (like quitting what was supposed to be a dream job because I didn’t meet expectations).

As I got older and became a coach, I started bouncing back faster when I learned to stop shaming and blaming myself… to stop making me wrong for being human.

A human who has blind spots and makes mistakes.

A human whose brain is wired for negativity bias.

A human who sometimes feels scared, anxious and doubtful, even as she makes her dream come true.

To me, coaching women and helping them bounce back from dips in self-confidence, and the inevitable “slings and arrows” of working with other people, IS my dream come true.

Also in you is the uniquely human capacity to bounce back and make your dream come true. Especially when it feels hard.

Let’s bounce back together.

In this replay, you’ll see me teach the core principles that help me and my clients bounce back from being thwarted, getting disappointed, and feeling doubtful in our careers.

You’ll also see me coach attendees, one at a time.

If you know anyone else who could benefit from this replay, please be kind and share.

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