3 Scripts to Negotiate for Top Pay Without Seeming Greedy

3 Scripts to Negotiate for Top Pay Without Seeming Greedy

If getting better paid and promoted were simply based on being excellent at what you do, you'd have been a millionaire CXO years ago.

You work hard. Your skills surpass uninspiring Steve, a colleague who seems to take up all the air in meetings without actually making things happen. 

So why shouldn't you be paid at the top of the pay range? 

If you're thinking, "Ugh, but I don't know how to negotiate for myself..." 

Or "But I'm afraid to come across as greedy or ungrateful..." 

Here's the thing to know. 

It ain't your fault for feeling that way. 

Patriarchy conditions women to doubt ourselves, especially when it comes to asking for what we deserve. 

From a young age, we're socialized to prioritize other people's comfort above ours and to be agreeable, modest, and grateful, rather than assertive. 

This programming becomes an unconscious habituated pattern -- like a broken record we didn't choose but repeats on a loop. 

If you feel anxious about negotiating your salary, please know this isn't a personal failing -- it's a reflection of societal conditioning that discourages women from confidently claiming our value and asking to be paid well. 

Here's the good news. 

You can take that broken record off the metaphorical stereo. You can interrupt habituated patterns that don't serve you. 

You can take control of your career by developing the vital life and career skills of negotiating.

Negotiation is a skill -- one you can absolutely learn and master. And if it feels awkward at first, you're doing it right. 

The key is to use strategic language that asserts your professional value and strikes a positive, optimistic tone. 

To help you get started, I've put together a super-quick 47-second mini-lesson with three specific scripts you can use to negotiate for the top end of the pay range. 

You can watch it, save it, share it, and replay it on YouTube, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

Book your free 1:1 consultation with me today... 

Because you're ready to unwind harmful socialization that holds you back from getting heard, getting recognized, and getting paid what you deserve. 

Because you want to be supported by an expert coach who will help you build new habits of confident self-advocacy. 

Because you'll take these skills with you all the way from the negotiating table to the executive suite and into your personal life, where you get to show up as the empowered mother, daughter, sister, partner, friend. 

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