How to Lead a Successful Team Retreat: A 4-Step Guide for VPs

How to Lead a Successful Team Retreat: A 4-Step Guide for VPs

“I’m the worst at doing the ‘warm and fuzzy’ things. I’d much rather go straight to business,” my client said.

As a forward-thinking VP leading a talented team of consultants, she’s determined to solidify her team’s reputation as essential to her firm’s success.

With her first in-person team retreat on the horizon, we developed a four-step plan to help her achieve this:

1️⃣ Do your version of ‘warm and fuzzy’ — not anyone else’s.
When my client reflects on her team’s accomplishments, a warm sensation she labels pride fills her chest.

That’s her version of ‘warm and fuzzy,’ and it’s powerful.

No need for kumbaya or vulnerability falls.

My client can start the retreat by genuinely acknowledging the pride she feels for her team’s achievements and their future contributions.

2️⃣ Appreciate each person’s strengths — and give them the spotlight.

Everyone wants to look good in front of their colleagues.

So let Sam showcase their technical expertise and Chris present their thoughtful analysis.

When people get to step into the spotlight and demonstrate their talents, they create their own ‘warm and fuzzies.’

3️⃣ Foster mutual learning — by having them teach each other.

This aligns with her goal of encouraging her team to see each other as experts.

By assigning each person a small teaching task that highlights their strengths, she reinforces this dynamic.

4️⃣ Share your vision 💡 — but invite collaboration to shape the how.

Her ideas for innovating client deliverables offer direction, but she strengthens team buy-in by inviting an open discussion.

This collaborative approach ensures everyone contributes, listens, and debates to find the best solutions for a shared goal.

This way, her team will solidify their reputation internally and strengthen their standing within the broader company, creating a ripple effect of success and recognition.

Are you ready to hone your leadership style and lead your team to new heights?

Here are two things you can do:

  1. Take the Leadership Archetype Quiz HERE. Find out what your superpowers are and how others see you. You’ll also get custom tips and scripts for enhanced self-advocacy based on your Leadership Archetype.

  2. Book your free 1:1 consultation with me for executive coaching by clicking HERE. Discover how bespoke executive coaching can help you and your team achieve wins that benefit you, your team, and your company.

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