3 Best Practices for Using Your Menstrual Cycle to Boost Your Performance

3 Best Practices for Using Your Menstrual Cycle to Boost Your Performance

If you struggle with premenstrual pain, if you’re autistic or ADHD, or if you’re highly sensitive to hormonal fluctuations (me, all of the above) — I can’t recommend highly enough Shalene Gupta’s book The Cycle (Amazon link).

Inspired by her insights and based on my personal experience, here’s how you can advocate for yourself or pitch a big idea at work as a person with a womb:

1️⃣ Track Your Cycle: Understand when you’re in the follicular (first half) or luteal phase (post-ovulation). 

Your energy and emotional resilience vary with your cycle.

2️⃣ Plan Ahead: Schedule big meetings, presentations, and important conversations when you’ll most likely be at your best. 

Strategy and mindset matter, and so does understanding the power of estrogen and progesterone (read the book for the science).

3️⃣ Be Kind to Yourself: If you need to slow down or reschedule during menstruation, treat yourself with compassion. 

You’re not at fault; you’re human. Reject the toxic productivity mindset that you should be like an unfeeling robot.

Empower yourself by understanding your cycle.

Reading Shalene's book changed my life. And I had the privilege of interviewing her on my podcast

Shalene's interview on Risky Conversations will be released soon. Don't miss it -- subscribe today on any of your favorite podcasting platforms by clicking HERE

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