How to Negotiate a Pay Raise Coming Back From Maternity Leave

How to Negotiate a Pay Raise Coming Back From Maternity Leave

Some women feel hesitant, unsure, and doubtful about negotiating their pay raise after taking maternity leave -- not because they aren’t competent, but because a sexist society gets in their heads.

If this is you, please know this:

You did something miraculous and wondrous with your body.

You created a new life, a new consciousness. You went on maternity leave, which is your right.

If you’re coming back and realizing you’ll have more work on your plate, this is what it means:

You’re a mother, a breadwinner, and a professional whose services are in GREATER demand.

Your career progression and compensation continue to grow, along with the value of your contributions.

To help you negotiate with confidence, I’ve laid out step-by-step the logic, scripts, and mindset to help you secure a pay raise.

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