How to Negotiate Beyond Your Paycheck

How to Negotiate Beyond Your Paycheck

The real reason to negotiate your next job offer or raise goes far beyond your paycheck.

But first, let’s talk numbers.

When you negotiate, your chances of a pay increase go way up:

📊 85% of those who negotiate get at least some increase ( survey)

💼 70%+ of hiring managers expect candidates to negotiate (Robert Half survey)

💰 Typical salary increases range from 10% to 20%—some secure even more.

There’s no absolute guarantee, but one thing is clear: negotiating is a skill that pays.

By the way, did you know you're invited to a free salary negotiation webinar? Click here to secure your spot today. 

If you need more proof that negotiating salary pays, here are some real wins from my clients:

💡 VP of Finance at AI Startup

📉 Before: $230K + 35K stock units

📈 After: $250K + 70K stock units

⚖️ 5th Year Associate at Law Firm

📉 Before: $185K base + bonus

📈 After: $245K base + bonus

🌿 Naturopath Doctor

📉 Before: Offer range $74K – $104K

📈 After: Secured $104K

💌 My inbox is blessed with messages like these:

But here's the thing.

Beyond the warm and fuzzies of being able to pat yourself on the back while treating your loved ones to DoorDash without guilt...

Beyond the satisfaction of making sizable contributions to your Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE🔥) funds...

And beyond the thrill of saving for that long-awaited business class round trip ticket to Japan...

Learning to negotiate for you will reunite you with your self-sovereignty.

Self-sovereignty literally means the right to govern yourself, or in the context of salary negotiation, the autonomy to make decisions and take action based on two things:

1️⃣ Your values – What you stand for.

2️⃣ The value of your future contributions – What you ask for.

Years ago, when I was Director of Operations at a mobile ad company, I negotiated a $20K raise -- not just for the money, but to become the kind of person who walks the talk she gives.

A woman who isn't a back-seat driver to her friends' career negotiations...

But a self-actualized person who lives the paradigm-shifting truth:

💡 Success isn't about working harder to endlessly "prove yourself"

💡 But about having the guts to ask for what you want. 

I've since coached countless professionals who've completely transformed their career trajectories because they learned to act as sovereigns of their careers in the process of advocating for themselves: 

✨ The under-appreciated compliance officer who finally spoke up for herself – and landed her dream job with a $50K increase [watch DeAndra's video interview here]

✨  Two co-founders at a crossroads chose to bet on themselves and their "brainchild" instead of conceding to the demands of others who expected less and therefore offered less [listen to Joyce and Heidi's podcast interview here]

✨ And the project manager who once floundered among toxic people. She applied my simple framework, decided to believe in herself, and went on to more than quadruple her income as an entrepreneur [listen to Grace's podcast interview here]

Here's the bottom line:

Negotiating is about reclaiming your power.

And I'm teaching you exactly how to do it -- for free.

📅 Join my live salary negotiation webinar next Friday.

🎭 We’ll cover the 7 winning steps + Q&A + mock role play

📩 Can’t make it? Sign up anyway—you’ll get the replay!

👉 Register now & share this link with a friend! (They’ll thank you later 😉)

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