The Weird Thing I did in June 2020

The Weird Thing I did in June 2020

One of the things I'm most proud of in the month of June is that I let myself feel sad. 

Deep sorrow about injustice, quarantine, and my dashed hopes for a beach vacation. 

A few times this month, I cleared my schedule to just sit and be with sad, as if it were a friend. And cry. 

I'd let the emotional pain pass through my body. Instead of pushing up against it, which is as helpful as trying to push a beach ball under water. 

Then the next day, I'd get up refreshed and re-energized to serve my clients. Being with sad helped me be less sad. 

This is a new practice for me that's changing everything. 

Before I didn't let myself intentionally feel sad. 

Because I believed what my mother insisted all my life, that I shouldn't feel anything less than happy. 

So instead, I would suppress sadness with overwork, obsessing over my shortcomings, and not speaking my truth. 

Which resulted in stress, exhaustion, and terrible chronic headaches. Definitely not happy. 

To feel sad, or anything less than happy, is to be human. 

To embrace the full spectrum of human emotions is to be a leader. (This HBR article is a great place to start)

Through coaching, you can achieve authority over your own emotions, so you can feel in control even when the world feels like it’s falling apart.
If that’s what you want, let’s chat.

Book your free consult today.

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