The Power of Your Language

The Power of Your Language

We speak ourselves into depressive funks and into ecstatic highs (yep to both).

Into buying a pair of shoes you wear once and store away in the closet for years (guilty).

Or into securing tens of millions of dollars in funding, as a client of mine recently did as a rookie managing director.

I’m captivated by how confident communicators not only make more money but are generally more satisfied because they feel heard and valued — through the words they speak.

What’s even more enthralling is that this is a learnable skill.

I'm a language nerd. A native Korean speaker and former ESL student who learned a third language (Japanese) in college just because she could.

(Admittedly, it’s been twenty years since college, and now I only use my Japanese to parse a little bit of anime dialogue 😅)

I think of speaking as a leader and negotiator as its own kind of language. One you Jamie can become fluent in.

I study this obsessively and teach everything I know to the women I coach, so they:

Ask for the VP position and $250K salary and GET BOTH without giving into pushback

Negotiate maternity leave policy AND delegate to ensure the international assignments get done while both you and a direct report are away on leave

Secure the additional headcount and executive sponsorship for your projects WITHOUT getting your mojo drained by office politics

By the way, the skill I’m talking about is about 10,000 miles in the opposite direction of Trumpian grandstanding, gaslighting, and gamesmanship.

Don't need that nonsense. Seen more than enough of it.

What we do need is more women, more minorities, and more capable folks sidelined because of historic injustices speaking their desires and claiming their values — without guilt and without apology — while cultivating the kind of self-respect that nurtures mutual respect.

This is the work we do inside my 1:1 coaching series.

If this resonates with you and you’re ready to equip yourself with the skill that transforms your career trajectory, I invite you to book a free consultation with me to get started.

Talk soon!


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