Planning Ahead: How to Make the Most of 2024

Planning Ahead: How to Make the Most of 2024

When you’re the boss of your life, of a team, and the future boss of something even bigger — planning ahead is the name of the game. 

So let’s think ahead. 

18 days from now is the start of the second half of 2024. 

Meaning now is the time to start making room for your personal goals -- whether that's booking a vacation to Lake Tahoe or fertility treatments -- so you can be proud of how well you balanced your personal and professional goals as you raise your champagne toast on December 31st, 2024. 

You guessed it. This is exactly what we can start addressing right away inside my coaching series.

Because, in about a month from now, many companies will be scheduling mid-year reviews,arguably the most important formal conversation you will have with your boss this year if you want to get promoted and better paid where you are.

Now is the time to start taking stock of your contributions, so you can gracefully and assertively take credit for your wins and set the stage for your career advancement in conversations before, during, and after the mid-year review. (Or, if going elsewhere is the better answer, in a series of interviews you set up in the coming months.)

3 months from now, the kids will be back at school, and executives will be convening to decide on budgets, hiring, and promotions for 2025.

In other words, now is the time to start crafting your leadership narrative, fortifying your self-concept as a thought partner to CEO Pat and CFO Alex, and gear up to front-run the decision-making process and become a PART of it, not fall behind it.

Also, let's address the elephant in the room: Less than 5 months from now is the US presidential election.

Frankly, I'm dreading the aftermath whichever way the results come out.

What I do know is that now is the time to build inner fortitude and an outer community with whom you can find even more strength to weather any storm, metaphorical and otherwise.

Just last night I read some terrible news online about other terrible men abusing power and women, as done for millennia.

Then and there I used a tool from my coaching toolkit to downregulate my nervous system and help me get a good night's sleep ahead of my coaching sessions that started at 9am this morning.

Because today is the day to feel 2% more at ease in your own skin, no matter what marginalization you've experienced --

So that you can deepen the self-trust and self-respect that ground you in your values as you navigate your path forward, made braver by the fact that terrible things happen. But you don't quit on your dreams.

Here's my invitation. I can help you. Book your consultation today

  • because you understand that time is the only truly scarce resource

  • and you want to maximize your ROI on the investment into your brain and your capacity to cope, lead, negotiate, and create meaningful change in your career and life.

🥵 Welcome to my hell week with perimenopause

🥵 Welcome to my hell week with perimenopause

What Worthiness Looks Like (a short poem)

What Worthiness Looks Like (a short poem)