Confessions of a High-Strung High-Achiever

Confessions of a High-Strung High-Achiever

I used to be a high-strung, high-anxiety high-achiever who was convinced she wasn't achieving fast enough.

Got downtime on the job? I must be doing something wrong.

Got hired at a hedge fund? My job can't possibly be safe, because I don't know enough.

This affected my sleep (couldn't), my health (recurring infections), and my relationships (my constant sulking sucked the joy out of them).

One day, my life partner turned to me and said:

"Do you know you're in control of your career?"

Truth is, I hadn't thought I could be in control until they said those words. It hit me like a ton of bricks.

Since then, I've become obsessed with a thousand and one ways to manage my stress and emotions, because I realized that's where my personal power lies.

I may not be able to control other people from being misguided, sexist, or terrible managers, but I can manage how I choose to think about me and, therefore, how I feel and respond.

And how I respond from groundedness (rather than react out of feeling triggered) is how I control my career.

This is also how my client Kris sidestepped a "depression hole" when she made the pivotal decision to stop working for a toxic boss and kickstart her consulting career.

And how Sarah is asking for the C-Suite title, less worried about whether the all-male exec team will still "like" her and, instead, with growing clarity on how to make the case that her promotion will benefit the entire organization.

You, too, are in control of your career right now, no matter how frustrated, overwhelmed, or angry you might feel.

You can have even more agency over how you respond and communicate your vision and strengths to instigate meaningful career growth.

I'll show you how you can create 5,000 mile distance between you and that condescending Kyle or a Petty Pat in your mind space, so you can fill it with feeling proud of the work you've done and excited for the career-shifting conversations you'll have.

Book your free consultation with me today, because you want actionable solutions that bridge the gap between what got you here and what will get you breathing deeper, sleeping better, and relating with more joy as you grow your leadership.

In your corner,


What a Trip to the ER Taught Me About Women and Negotiating

What a Trip to the ER Taught Me About Women and Negotiating

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