{REPLAY} Confidence Lab: Self-Directed Neuroplasticity Tools

{REPLAY} Confidence Lab: Self-Directed Neuroplasticity Tools

Watch the video replay of last Friday's Confidence Lab right over HERE on YouTube.

But if you're someone who gets easily distracted by the thousand and one tiles on YouTube as I do...

Or if you prefer to LISTEN rather than watch, or better yet, listen to the audio recording while reading the auto-generated transcript, then click HERE for the podcast link.

At the end of the workshop, I asked the attendees to share what they found most useful, and here's what they said:

In the interactive workshop (again: video OR audio replay), I walk volunteers through exactly how to do peripheral vision and bilateral stimulation, two self-directed neuroplasticity tools I learned from my mentor Melissa Tiers, author of the Anti-Anxiety Toolkit (Amazon link). 

In the book, Melissa states she intends to get the reader to learn these rapid techniques to rewire the brain FAST and, within minutes, experience a palpable shift in their bodies. 

Case in point, below is the heart rate chart of a participant of the same workshop I hosted earlier this month. She shared a screenshot of her fitness tracker with me. 

She said that bilateral stimulation was the technique that created the biggest shift, or the biggest drop in her heart rate -- from about 120 bpm (she had been anxious about something personal, she told me) to around 97 bpm (mid-workshop, her anxiety dropped). 

Combine these techniques with the real-world application of no-nonsense communication strategies... 

And you have the confidence boost to deliver a 30-minute presentation on your subject matter expertise with poise and power (watch the coaching demo with Kristine on exactly this which starts at around 30-minute mark in the replay). 

Also, you learn how to lower your cortisol, quiet the voice of self-doubt, and speak up when your opposing counsel says factually wrong things in court (this coaching demo starts at around minute 50 with my volunteer).  

I have two requests: 

1. Forward this email and the replay to your girlfriend/sister/aunt/mother who might enjoy nerding out on everything related to the brain, confidence, and empowering women's voices, because the more we know, the more we get to lift other women up. 

2. Book a FREE 1:1 consultation with me today, because you're sick of having your itty bitty shitty committee (the internalized voice of oppression) calling the shots in your career advancement. 

You're ready to leverage the innate plasticity of your brain, quiet the inner critic, and speak up for you while your heart beats at a more easeful pace that affirms to you that you are alive and aligned with your integrity, as you take a concrete step towards doing better, sleeping better, and getting better paid in your career. 

Hello from Singapore!

Hello from Singapore!

🥵 Welcome to my hell week with perimenopause

🥵 Welcome to my hell week with perimenopause