How I'd coach Kamala Harris

How I'd coach Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris is on a journey so many of my clients are on — having been a male executive’s number two, she’s now encountering racial and gender pushback in her bid to be number one.

The critics — or shall we call them an external itty bitty sh*tty committee — attempt to undermine her perceived authority by resorting to schoolyard bully tactics: Making fun of her voice and laughter.

If I were to be Kamala’s executive coach for the next 104 days until the election (yes, a girl’s allowed to dream big 😉), I’d work to equip her with brain-boosting tools to go from great to exceptionally well-resourced.

Here’s the three-point coaching plan:

  • Self-directed neuroplasticity tools for stress reduction

I’d teach her simple, minute-long techniques she can use several times a day while on the road campaigning and delivering speeches so that she can be at ease and reduce her stress even amidst her busy schedule.

At night, she’d sleep better, so during the day, she can have more mental acuity and stamina to prevent a convicted felon from destroying democracy as we know it.

  • Mental rehearsal

I’d walk her through the tools of gold-winning Olympians: Mental rehearsal which will give her the well-researched 37% boost in her performance as she inspires voters and wins the next debate.

I’d have her mentally rehearse seeing herself walk onto the stage, speak clearly, and respond with poise to any criticism or attack, allowing her to maintain her composure and project unwavering confidence.

  • Authentic authority

Authentic authority is the opposite of contorting yourself to fit other people’s outdated expectations of what a world leader is “supposed to look like” (code word for male and pale).

Authentic authority is deeper than the kind of authority she ALREADY has as a powerful speaker who motivates people into record-breaking collective action (evidence: $250MM raised in less than three days).

Authentic authority comes from who she is at her deepest core: A human who can decide who she wants to be, what she stands for, and how best to be true to herself.

This authentic authority is something wholly within her control, inviolable.

And in you is your authentic authority that is wholly within your control, inviolable.

As my former client, Amy, once said in a session: “I have authority because I exist.” Full stop. No buts, ifs, and whens. 

In this way, Kamala is every single one of my amazing clients — an intelligent, vibrant, and immensely powerful woman whose principled self-advocacy is an act of service (BTW, HERE’s the podcast episode where I explain this concept in detail). It would be an incredible privilege to coach her.

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