The 2-Word Rule for Praise

The 2-Word Rule for Praise

"Nice hair. Did you cut it?" 

"Great job on the presentation." 

"Congratulations on a strong quarter." 

When praised, let two words suffice: “Thank you.” 

No deflecting.

No "Actually, I haven't had a haircut in three months, and it's a mess." 

No "Oh, the presentation was no big deal. Don't even mention it." 

No “Well, management did such a good job with messaging, it was an easy sell.” 

No disbelieving the praise either. 

No telling yourself, “Can’t take this in ...When are they gonna say what they REALLY think? When’s the other shoe gonna drop?” 

Some of the smartest, most accomplished women lack the skill of accepting praise. 


Because society trained women to cut ourselves down while lifting everyone else up. 

Then we wonder why we struggle with impostor syndrome and lack self-confidence at work. 

You can start unlearning harmful socialization today. 

You can start with accepting praise with a simple “Thank you.” 

For extra oomph, you can add, “I appreciate that. I do have good hair, and I look forward to spending good money that I earned with hard work to get it styled by a real professional at a salon." 

Or "I appreciate that. I dedicated a good chunk of time to make this presentation even better than the last one, and I'm so glad you found it valuable, because that was exactly my intention." 

Or "I appreciate that. Even with everything going on, I'm committed to meeting goals. So I worked hard to pay close attention to my clients' needs, to follow up, and to follow through on my commitments. I'm glad the results reflect that, because this is just the beginning of what I'm capable of." 

Boom. Mic drop. 

Take the praise. 

Take it in.

Take credit. 

This is what it takes for you to take the next hot job, the promotion and a better pay. 

If that’s what you want, I can help you. 

In a free, hour-long conversation, I will help you understand the root cause behind why you struggle to accept praise so you can start taking credit for your ideas and start moving forward in your career with confidence. Of a smart, accomplished woman with good hair. 


From Inadequate to Proud in 30 Days

From Inadequate to Proud in 30 Days

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